Stop genocidu v Palestini / Stop genocide in Palestine
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal komunal-admin
- Kategorija: Protesti
- Objavljeno 23 Maj 2021
(eng below)
21. maja 2021 je bila najavljena tiskovna konferenca z naslovom Stop genocidu v Palestini. Na dan je policija že več kot eno uro pred napovedano tiskovno konferenco o aktualnem terorju apartheida in okupacije v Palestini na TR3 nadlegovala ljudi na ulicah Ljubljane. Očitno so rasno profilirali ljudi in jih popisovali. Targetirali so migrantski socialni center Ambasada Rog. Več deset robokopov je okupiralo Miklošičev park in se lotilo oseb, ki so imele v rokah palestinske zastave in šale, potem so se lotili še ostalih. Bambusove palice, ki so bile namenjenim zastavam, so popisali kot nevarne predmete.
Ljudstvo se je navkljub nadlegovanju uradnih organov zbralo na TR3, kjer so se na tiskovni konferenci zvrstili govori, osebne zgodbe, poezija in vzkliki solidarnosti s Palestinci in Palestinkami. Na trg je prihajalo vedno več ljudi, dogajanje je potekalo mirno, na varni medsebojni razdalji in odločno. Nenadoma je iz druge strani trga organizirano v vrsti vkorakala večja skupina robokopov. Zbrano množico so najprej obhodili iz strani, nato pa so brez povoda nasilno vkorakali neposredno med ljudi. Ljudi so odrivali, metali stran od sebe brez misli na poškodbe, dve osebi so zagrabili in ju odpeljali stran, do stavbe parlamenta. Šokirana nad nasilnim napadom jih je protestna množica izžvižgala. Izključno enostranskega nasilja še ni bilo konec. Policija je v polni opremi, s puškami vrokah, pred parlamentom vzpostavila kordon. Med skandiranjem gesel podpore Palestini je policija še naprej dajala prosto pot svojemu rasizmu in iz množice povlekla še nekaj ljudi. Dve osebi sta želeli spremljati postopek ene od oseb, nakar je policija napadla tudi njiju. Obe punci sta bili nato odpeljali na policijsko postajo in kaznovani: vsaka po 1200€. Za kaj? Za nič!
Kljub orgiji policijske ogabnosti so ljudje pokončno vstajali v protestu, nadaljevali so z govori, plesom in skandiranjem. Nato se je protestna množica odpravila na ulice. Shod je glasno odmeval po ulicah Ljubljane, kjer so ljudje glasno in odločno izrazili upor vojni, zavračanje državnega nasilja in solidarnost z ljudstvom v Palestini.
Ob povratku na TR3 je policija iz čistega miru ponovno od samega začetka agresivno provocirala in nenadoma brez pravega razloga napadla eno od protestnic. Množica se je uprla in v prerivanju je bilo odpeljanih še vsaj 5 oseb. Agresorji v uniformah so zmetali in vlekli ljudi po tleh ter jih nato strpali v marice.
Junaki in junakinje današnjega dne so nedvomno člani in članice palestinske skupnosti. Vsem nam so pokazali, kako dostojanstveno in močno vztrajati v protestu, ne izgubiti živcev in to kljub konstantnim rasističnim in nasilnim provokacijam policije. Brutalna represija, nasilje, visoke kazni so danes cena solidarnosti z zatiranimi in upora genocidu in vojni. Tudi v Ljubljani.
A media conference at the square in front of the Parliament building was called for Friday 21 of May 2021 about the ongoing terror of the regime of apartheid and occupation in Palestine. Already an hour before the event was to start the heavy police forces harrased people on the streets of Ljubljana. Individuals, families and small groups were clearly and obviously racially profiled and subjected to police procedures. The police targeted the self-organized migrant social center Ambasada Rog. Several squads of police in full riot-gear occupied the park next to the social center and surrounded the people with Palestinian flags and headscarves, then others that were with them. Bamboo sticks that were meant to carry the flags were designated by the police as 'dangerous items'.
Despite all the harrasment from the police a lot of people gathered at the main square. Speeches were held as well as personal testimonies, poetry and a lot of solidarity chants in support of the Palestinians. More and more people were coming to the square, the athmosphere was energetic but calm, people maintained the distance between themselves. Suddenly in the corner of the square a large squad of police in full riot-gear appeared and marched towards the people. They made a half circle around them and then marched violently right through the middle of the crowd, pushing people in front of them and sideways, taking two young persons with them to the police lines. People were shocked and loudly voiced their contempt and protest against the clearly one-sided violent intervention. But the latter was not over. Police forces, some with rifles of an unknown type in their hands, established a police line at the edge of the square. Wile the pople chanted in solidarity with Palestine, the police deployed their racism freely again, some more people were attacked and violently taken out of the crowd. Two girls, members of the public that wanted to be witnesses to the police procedures with the targeted, were in turn attacked themselves. Both were taken to the police station on the edge of town and fined 1200 euro each. For what? For nothing!
Despite the orgy of police brutality the people stood their gorund and maintained the protest, speeches were continued, there was dancing and more chanting. Then the crowd that by now swelled to several thousand people took to the streets. The latter were filled with loud and resolute resistance to war, state violence and with expressions of solidarity with the people in Palestine.
The march returned to the square in front of the Parliament building. Immediately the police again and completely out of tune with the calm - yet politically charged - athmosphere deployed their agression. Without any reason the police attacked one of the protesters, then stormed the crowd that tried to passively protect her. 5 more people were taken away by the thugs in riot-gear, who were throwing people around, dragging them through the street and then pushed them into police vans.
The heroes of this Friday are without doubt the members of the Palestinian community. They have shown to all of us how to stand your ground, keep your dignity and composure, and hold your nerves even when faced with constant barrage of racist and violent attacks from the police. They have shown to all of us how to go on with the protest and not fall apart when under police attack. Today, brutal repression, violence, high financial punishments are the price of solidarity with the opressed and of the resistance to genocide and war. Also in Ljubljana