10 let revolucije v rojavi
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal Črne Mačke
- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 19 Julij 2022
19. julija slavimo 10 let revolucije v rojavi. na ta dan leta 2012 so prebivalci kobaneja osvobodili svoje ozemlje in začeli socialno revolucijo. pod težkimi pogoji in z veliko odrekanja so izgradili svoja življenja in zemljo na principih svobode in samoorganizacije. njihov boj je obudil internacionalistično gibanje v 21. stoletju, njihovi dosežki v zadnjem desetletju pa lahko služijo kot navdih vsem nam.
7. julija 2022 je avtonomna administracija razglasila splošno izredno stanje za vse regije na območju severno-vzhodne sirije. tako zračni kot kopenski topniški napadi turške države so se zaostrili na vseh bojnih linijah. od zadnjega nato sestanka v madridu je jasno, da so nato in njegovi glavni akterji - zda, nemčija, vb, francija in italija dali zeleno luč turčiji za invazijo rojave. situacija se z vsakim trenutkom zaostruje - na meji se zbirajo turški vojaki in plačanci, turška država tja pošilja težko orožje in vojaške konvoje. jasno je, da je eskalacija neizbežna - rojava čaka dan x.
vse, kar je bilo izborjeno, je trenutno v nevarnosti. nova turška invazija bo ali uničila revolucionarni projekt rojave ali pa bo serkeftin revolucije dosegel končni kolaps turškega fašizma. skupaj stojimo proti natu in nasilju turške države, skupaj lahko branimo revolucijo - naj sonce svobode zasije čez zatiralske prijeme imperialističnih tendenc!
10 years of revolution in rojava
on the 19th of july we are celebrating 10 years of revolution in rojava - on this date in 2012 the people of kobani liberated their territory and started the revolution. since then, the people of rojava have, under the thoughest of circumstences and with great sacrifices, build their life and land on the principals of freedom and self-organization. their struggle revived the internationalistic movement in the 21. century and their achievements of the last decade can be an inspiration to all of us.
on the 7th of july 2022 the autonomous administration declared a general state of emergancy for all regions of north-east syria. the air and ground artillery attacks of the turkish state intensified on all front lines. from the last nato meeting in madrid it is clear that nato and its main actors - the us, germany, gb, france and italy gave the green light to turkey for the invasion of rojava. with every moment the situation is intensifying - on the border turkish soldiers and mercineries are gathering, the turkish state is sending heavy artillery and military convoys. it is clear that the escalation of the situation is imminent - rojava is awaiting day x.
all that was won is at this moment at risk. the new invasion of turkey will either kill the revolutionary project of rojava or the serkeftin of the revolution will accomplish the collaps of turkish fasizm. together we stand against nato and the violence of the turkish state, together we can defend the revolution - let the sun of freedom shine over the oppressive regimes of imperialistic tendencies!
19.7.2022, ljubljana
črne mačke