Video - Protesti
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- Objavljeno 08/02/2017
- Kategorija: Protesti
Saturday’s protest (see video) was the third in a series against the planned hydroplant on the Mur river near Graz. The project, supported by right parties in power, the Grazer Volkspartie and FPO, along with social democrats, has met popular and political opposition.
Sobotni protest (poglej video) je bil tretji v nizu protestov proti hidroelektrarni na reki Muri, v bližini Gradca. Projekt, ki ga pretežno podpirajo desne stranke na oblasti, Graška ljudska stranka (FPO) v sodelovanju s Socialnimi demokrati, je naletel tako na družbeni kot tudi politični odpor.
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- Objavljeno 20/01/2017
- Kategorija: Protesti
When the parliament committee discusses the changes of the Aliens Act, we gave a symbolic word to the refugees themselves. On Friday, 20 January, at noon (12.00) we gathered at the Republic Square (Trg republike) and started reading the testimonies of the people who ran away from wars and persecutions.
Ob 12. uri smo na Trgu republike, nasproti parlamenta, začeli branje pričevanj ljudi, ki so morali zbežati pred vojnami in preganjanjem.
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- Objavljeno 03/11/2016
- Kategorija: Protesti
2. novembra 2016 smo pred policijsko postajo Izola izrazili našo jezo zaradi policjskega nasilja, ki so mu bili v zadnjem času izpostavljeni uporabniki avtonomnega prostora Argo.
On the 2nd Nov. 2016 we expresed our anger in front of the police station Izola towards the police violence that users of autonomous space ARgo were facing recently.
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- Objavljeno 19/09/2016
- Kategorija: Protesti
Please READ the statement of asylum seekers from Slovenia.
It does not matter what was the reason for us to leave our homes or where we come from, but we are now in Slovenia and we want to live as a part of the society and the main problems that we are facing are the slowly procedures, the inefficient bureaucracy.
A lot of people are staying here for years, some 10 months or more and we are getting 18 euro per month which we are getting very rarely plus we are not allowed to earn our money by ourselves although we are doctors engineers, students of computer science,
businessmen, economists, workers... but we are not allowed to work here and there is no support or help given to us by the government to teach us the Slovene language or to help us to be a part and continue our life in the Slovenian society.
The ministry of the interior affairs is intentionally slowing down the asylum procedures and because of that a lot of people are leaving Slovenia. In the last two years, every bureaucrat, decision maker, solves only one case per month!!! And only 11% of the asylum applications are solved positively!
People who are waiting, are getting depressed and they do not get a real psychological support. Every day is the same and nothing is changing, all we can do is just to wait, wait, wait... It is the same situation as being in war, we are just waiting for the mercy polit.
Last Thursday, one of our friends was attacked by three neo-nazis in the center of Ljubljana at 10 in the morning. Another guy was hit by car in front of the asylum home in Vic and the police is not solving this as racist attacks. One of the guys was waiting for two hours for the emergency to come, and doctors did not allow us to go inside, just because we are refugees. Everyday we are facing racism on the streets, in the asylum home, and in governmental institutions.
In the asylum home, strict rules are limiting our freedom, the food is not good, no cleaning service, no language courses, they are not helping us with enrolment in the educational system, no medical care except Painkillers. At closed type of institutions like Asylum homes we are deprived of our dignity and self-initiativeness. The racism of security guards makes us uncomfortable, the atmosphere is more like a prison than a place to live. Even if we have not received a status yet, we are not criminals.
When we come to a bank and want to open a bank account, they tell us that they cannot do it for us, because they think we might support terrorism with our money, and this is pure racism.
Special thanks to the slovene health system to send us a young doctor without specialization to practice her medical skills on us.
1. Make our asylum procedures faster, do not make us wait forever.
2. Change the law that is not allowing us to make our money during the long waiting period. Or try by yourselves and come to live in the asylum home with 18 euros per month.
3. Improve our medical care, make it a proper medical care that will treat us as regular patients and not just give us painkillers for everything.
4. Evaluate the work of the bureaucracy that is only solving one case per month. Evaluate the number of the negative decisions and the positive solutions that the asylum seekers receive in last year watch their jobs!
5. Improve the system of learning the Slovene language, help the people to get into the educational system here in Slovenia.
6. When you get the positive decision, you need to leave the asylum home in 15 days. You must wait for more than one month to get social support and 45 days to get money to rent a place. So there is a month between these 15 days and the 45 days when you only have 18 euros and you cannot afford to rent a place to stay. If you do not have a contract for a place to live, with a permanent address registered, you cannot get the Documents. It is a vicious circle that leaves one alone, without money and without a place to live.
7. We need a general solution regarding one opening a bank account, because when one wants to do that, the bank does not want to make it, just because you are foreigner. This is racist and it must be solved urgently.
8. We want free Urbana card for everyone waiting for the asylum. Since we cannot afford to buy it with the 18 euros. Our mobility is important for our integration.
9. Check the applications of the students from the asylum homes who wanted to enroll to university. No one got his decision yet, because they do not know what to do with people who do not have positive responses yet. The current law does not demand the status to start studying.
10. Improve the living conditions at asylum homes, we want freedom of movement!
11.We ask you to treat us as human beings! We have dignity and we will not be silent!
We demand NOW to have a meeting with the Minister of Internal Affairs, who is responsible for the lives of asylum seekers and refugees, to talk to us and to start solving and giving answer to all listed demands above.
In Ljubljana, 19.9.2016,
Asylum home Vič,
Cesta v gorice 15
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- Objavljeno 07/09/2016
- Kategorija: Protesti
Deliveroo, one of the most successful upstarts of the gig economy, has become the food delivery counterpart of UBER. The company claims that its drivers are not employees but private contractors.
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- Objavljeno 19/08/2016
- Kategorija: Protesti
20. julija 2016 je v okviru No Border Camp-a 2016 potekala akcija pred centrom za tujce v Xanthiju, pri kateri je sodelovalo veliko število lokalnih in mednarodnih tovarišev in tovarišic. To je bil center, v katerem je policija po anarhistični manifestaciji solidarnosti 22. maja brutalno pretepla tiste migrante in begunce, ki so se na protest pozitivno odzvali. Namen policijskega nasilja je bil prekiniti komunikacijske kanale med zaporniki in gibanjem solidarnosti ter prikriti bedo, ki jo oblast ustvarja v kampih. To je bil razlog, zaradi katerega je bil za eno od akcij v sklopu No Border Campa izbran ravno center v Xanthiju. Ob prihodu je bil center zastražen s policijo v protizgredniški opremi. Ko je blok protestnikov prispel do vhoda centra, je poskušal prebiti policijski kordon in s tem odgovoriti na splošno nasilje države in uniformiranih paznikov s enakovredno dozo družbenega proti-nasilja. Po krajšem spopadu so se protestniki umaknili in ponovno zbrali na drugi strani centra, kjer je bil možen vidni stik z zaporniki in z glasnim skandiranjem solidarnostnih gesel vztrajala dalj časa.
On 20th July 2016 many local and international comrades participated in a No Border Camp 2016 action in front of the Xanthi detention center. After an anarchist solidarity demonstration was held in front of the camp on 22nd May the cops beat the immigrants and refugees who have responded positively to the protest. The aim of the police violence was to interrupt the channels of communication between prisoners in the centre and the solidarity movement and to cover up all the misery that the authorities are imposing inside the camp. It was for this reason that Xanthi was chosen for the No Border Camp action. Upon arrival there the camp was guarded heavily by riot police squads. When the block of protesters arrived at the entrance of the center they tried to break the police line in order to reciprocate a generalized violence of the state and uniformed guards with a degree of social counter-violence. After a short clash protesters withdrew and regrouped on the other side of the camp from where there was a visible contact with the prisoners and for some hours shouted slogans.
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- Objavljeno 21/07/2016
- Kategorija: Protesti
21 julija 2016 je nekaj tisoč ljudi iz celega sveta, z dokumenti ali brez njih, protestiralo proti mejam in proti deportacijskim protokolom, ki se vežejo na sporazum med EU in Turčija (marec 2016) in se s tem odzvali na poziv No Border Campa v Solunu.
Poleg velike demonstracije, so se izvedle tudi decentralizirane akcije proti Švicarski, Španski in Filipiskemu konzulatu, gorele so zastave, izvedlo pa se je tudi več grafitarskih akcij po mestu. Ob koncu dneva so se vsi plesoč vrnili na lokacijo No Border Campa, s prepevanjem v mnogih različnih jeziki.
Pogoji v vseh centrih za relokacijo po Grčiji so kritični in v mnogih primerih nehumani. V Grčije je več kot 57.000 beguncev (po uradnih številkah), ki so razporejeni v več kot 40 centrov. Polovica teh je v neposredni bližini Soluna in število le narašča.
Mnogi so izrazili pomanjkanje pravne podpore in zdravstvene pomoči ter neustrezne sanitarne infrastrukture. V mnogih primerih primanjkuje oblačil, hrana, ki jo priskrbi vojska, pa je neustrezna na otroke. Situacija je tako neznosna, da bi se mnogi raje vrnili v Sirijo kot pa ostali v teh relokacijskih centrih.
Poleg centrov za relokacijo, je v Grčiji tudi mnogo zaporov. To so kampi, ki so povsem izolirani in zaprtega tipa in so bili v Grčiji ustvarjeni 2012 kot del sistema, ki sistematično deportira ljudi, ki jim je bila prošnja za azil zavrnjena.
The 21th of July 2016 some thousands of people from all over the world with and without papers protested against borders and the procedure of deportation according to the EU-Turkey deal (March 2016) answering the call of No Border camp.
Besides the bigger demonstrations there were also decentral actions against the Suisse, Spanish and Philippine consulate as well as flag burnings and graffiti actions in the city. At the end of the day everybody returned singing in many languages and dancing to the No Border Camp.
The conditions in the relocation centers all over Greece are critical and in many cases inhuman. In Greece there are more than 57.000 refugees (official number) staying in over 40 camps. Half of them are around Thessaloniki. And the number is still increasing.
Many denounce the lack of legal and medical support and the insufficient sanitation. In many cases there isn’t even enough clothes and the food provided by the military is not good for children. The situation is so unbearable that some people would even prefer to return to Syria instead of staying in the relocation centers.
Besides the relocation centers there are many detention centers in Greece as well. These entirely closed and isolated camps were created 2012 in Greece as part of a system to systematically deport people with denied asylum applications
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- Napisal Protirasistična fronta brez meja
- Objavljeno 20/06/2016
- Kategorija: Protesti
No cause for celebration!
On June 20 World Refugee Day is observed, but there are no causes for celebration. The illegitimate deal between the EU and Turkey is still in force, Frontex still pushes the endangered people into the sea, and Slovenia is still fenced. The relocation of people to another EU member state also does not work. The violent closure of the Balkan route has produced a humanitarian catastrophe in Greece, Turkey, and Syria. Meanwhile, people in the countries, where refugees come from, are still threatened by wars, unrest, and poverty. Dissenters are oppressed and endangered by the repressive state apparatus and extreme organizations.
We demand international protection and active and efficient inclusion policy for everybody. Only then will we be able to celebrate World Refugee Day.
International protection for everyone!
Equal rights for everyone!
Protirasistična fronta brez meja
Anti-racist front without borders
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- Objavljeno 02/04/2016
- Kategorija: Protesti
REVNI ZA REVNE - shod proti elitam
Janez Janša bi se rad predstavil javnosti kot človek, ki bo ustavil prihod migrantov v Slovenijo in se postavil po robu meščanskim elitam v vladi Mira Cerarja. V resnici si nihče v Sloveniji ne želi beguncev bolj kot Janša. Njegova stranka se namreč že dolgo ne ukvarja z resničnimi stiskami državljanov, ampak jih zna le še strašiti pred tujci in »komunisti«, ki naj bi te tujce uvažali. Brez Cerarja in beguncev bi bil Janša danes brez službe, saj lahko volivcem ponudi le še rasizem, seksizem in teorije zarote.
Miro Cerar bi se rad predstavil javnosti kot človek, ki bo Slovenijo rešil pred Janšo in iz nje naredil odprto, »moderno« državo. V resnici pa prav Cerar iz Slovenije dela nestrpno policijsko državo v slogu Orbanove Madžarske. On je tisti, ki je postavil žičnato ograjo, on je zaostril azilne pogoje za begunce, on je povečal nadzor nad državljani in dal policiji dodatna pooblastila. Njegova vlada se ne ukvarja niti s stiskami beguncev niti s socialnimi problemi domačinov, ampak nas le še straši pred desnico. Brez Janše ne bi imeli volivci niti enega razloga, da volijo stranko SMC.
Janša ni alternativa Cerarju in Cerar ni alternativa Janši. Oba sta obraza istih elit, tistih, ki plenijo državo že 25 let. Sta del politične kaste, ki ni nikoli služila delovnim ljudem, ampak le najbogatejšemu procentu. Sta del elit, ki vneto prodajajo orožje in nas vodijo v nove in nove vojne, zraven pa lažejo o tem, da jim gre za našo varnost. Medtem ko nam prodajajo pravljice o krščanski tradiciji in evropski identiteti, je denar edina vrednota, ki so jo kadarkoli poznali. Naj še tako vneto dvigamo zastave, to ne bo izbrisalo dejstva, da ta država ni bila ustanovljena za ljudi, ampak za kapital.
V Sloveniji se ne bo nič izboljšalo, dokler bomo za vse naše težave krivili migrante in dokler bomo le izbirali med slabimi in manj slabimi politiki. Zastave, s katerimi se krasijo naši voditelji, nas ne bodo rešile. Spremembe se bodo lahko začele, ko nas politiki ne bodo več mogli ločevati s policijskimi kordoni, ampak ko se bomo delavci, prekerci, brezposelni, migranti in vsi drugi, ki jih je ta sistem izpljunil, znašli na isti strani.
V soboto 2. aprila, se bomo ob 16. uri zbrali na Kongresnem trgu v Ljubljani in skupaj opozorili na tiste probleme, ki zares pestijo našo družbo. Revščino, brezposelnost, izkoriščanje delavcev, brezperspektivnost mladih, nestrpnost in seksizem bomo presegli le z medsebojno solidarnostjo.