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- Kategorija: Protesti
- Objavljeno 25 Januar 2021
VIDEO: This is just the beginning
Drage_i prebivalke_ci mesta Ljubljana, širše občine in vse_i, ki se semkaj vozite na delo, študij in po drugih obveznostih in prostočasnih dejavnostih! Vsi, ki ste priča nasilnemu posegu Mestne občine Ljubljana (Mol) v prostore Avtonomne Tovarne Rog!
To, kar se je zgodilo skupnosti AT Rog, se lahko zgodi marsikomu od nas. Še posebej, če ne spada med bogatejše in lastniško dobro situirane prebivalce. To, kar se je zgodilo v Ljubljani, se lahko zgodi v vsakem mestu. Nasilno izganjanje manj premožnih ljudi, družin ali drugih skupnosti je vpisano v kapitalistični sistem izžemanja. T. i. pravni red in t. i. pravna država sta že mnogokrat doslej pokazala, da sta vzpostavljena predvsem v korist finančnih in političnih elit. Še več, zdaj ko sleherniki_ce težko shajamo v spremenjenih pogojih bivanja in se ukvarjamo z osnovnim psihičnim, fizičnim in ekonomskim preživetjem med epidemijo, se državne in mestne oblasti odločajo to izkoristiti. Za vzvod pa jim služijo represivnimi odloki, plačilne kazni in policijski aparat. Vsako politično udejstvovanje izven parlamentarnega nam je onemogočeno. Šole so zaprte, najemnine in življenjski stroški vse višji, delavske pravice se krčijo. - Ljudem so napovedali vojno in pomembno je, da to razumemo.
V primeru Roga gre za agresivno socialno čiščenje. Rogovce_ke so zmetali na cesto v nogavicah, brez bund in jih naredili brezdomne. Ob tem je ostalo brez prostorov in svojih sanj več kot sto ustvarjalcev_k, športnikov_c, cirkuških artistov_k, skejterjev_k, kotalkarjev_k, bmxarjev_k, plesalcev_k, tetovatorjev_k, aktivistov_k, migrantov_k - res, za družbo zelo nevarnih ljudi!
Evikcija je bila očitno vnaprej naskrivaj pripravljena v spregi Mol, policije in 2 varnostnih služb. Da bi dosegli svoje, so uporabili zastraševanje, pretepanje, peper sprej, pridržali so vsaj 13 ljudi in 6 so morali na urgenco. Policija je bila nasilna in je povsem prekoračila svoja pooblastila, kar počenjajo vsakodnevno tudi na mejah Trdnjave Evrope. Čigavi zakoni so to? V imenu koga?
Jasno je, da trenutne razmere omogočajo oblastnikom, da so vzpostavili novo paradigmo vladanja, ki ni le začasna. Jasno je, da se to dogaja ne glede na različne politične proklamacije. Jasno je, da župan Janković izkorišča svojo navidezno levo usmerjenost, da bi prekril svoje neoliberalno upravljanje z mestom. Jasno je, da sta župan in premier neoliberalna grabežljivca, ki razkopavata, kar smo ljudje zgradili s skupnimi močmi z upanjem v boljšo prihodnost. Socialna devastacija, uničevanje družbenega in elitizacija mest so želje prav vsake oblasti, tako mestne kot državne in tudi evropske gosposke.
Bandi kravatarski iz Mola predstavljajo naši prostori potrošno robo za sklepanje dobičkonosnih poslov, iz katerih profitirajo le »županovi možje in njihova podjetja«. Na simbolni ravni pa nasilne deložacije skvotov kažejo na splošno družbeno klimo - na onemogočanje vsakega kritičnega izraza in upora vladajoči ideologiji ter oblastniškim strukturam.
Mogoče AT Rog in njene skupnosti niso ustrezale vsem, toda agresija, ki smo je deležni, učinkuje kot oder in svarilo, namenjeno vsem nam z namenom ustrahovanja in ponižanja.
Skupnost AT Rog v svoji 15-letni gradnji alternativnega prostora zagotovo ni imela vseh rešitev na dlani, je pa igrala izredno pomembno vlogo v boju za dostopnost mesta za vse. Prizadevala si je, da bi Ljubljana postala bolj vključujoča in dostopna za številne marginalne skupine, ki sicer v Ljubljani težko najdejo svoj kotiček. Poleg tega rogovska skupnost predstavlja eno redkih ovir procesu kapitalističnega uničevanja mesta tj. gentrifikacije. V tem smislu je za širšo družbo AT Rog pomembna zaradi dolgoletnega političnega in socialnega delovanja za možnost dostojnega življenja, dela in ustvarjanja vseh, tudi tistih na minimalcih, prekernih in brezposlenih.
Avtonomni prostori so kraji srečevanja, radosti in veselja ter na sploh grajenja družbenega tkiva onkraj normirah odnosov.
Pred orkestrirano silo oblasti in njihovih plačancev ne bomo sklonili glave! Ne bomo se pustili za vselej izgnati - tako v Ljubljani, kot v drugih mestih!
OdJJebite z Zokijem vred in vašimi uniformiranci!
Policijsko represijo se glede na pretekle proteste in izkušnjo uničenja Roga pričakuje, zato pazite drug_a na drugega_o! Ker smo še sredi epidemije, se varujemo pred virusom. - Maske gor!
Dear residents of Ljubljana, the whole municipality and all that come here to work, study or because of other obligationas and free-time activities! All are witnesses to the violent intervention of Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL) in the space of Autonomous Factory Rog (AT Rog)
What happened to the community of AT Rog can happen to many of us. Especially if they do not belong to the rich and property-owning well-off part of society. What happened in Ljubljana can happen in any other town. Violent expulsion of less well-off individuals, families and other communities is written in the fabric of capitalist system of extraction. The so called legal order and the so called rule of law have been exposed many times as instruments that were established mainly in the interest of financial and political elites. Moreover, the state and municipal authorities chose to exploit exactly the moment, when many hardly manage to make ends meet due to changed living conditions as we deal with the issue of basic mental, physical and economic survival. They base themselves in repressive measures, financial punishments and the police apparatus. Any and all political activity outside the parliamentarian arena is forbidden. Schools are closed, rent and other living costs are rising constantly, the workers' rights are being taken away. They declared war on the people and it is important to understand this.
What is happening to Rog is aggressive social cleansing. The people of Rog were thrown out on the street in socks, without their coats and were made homeless. Places and dreams were taken away from hundreds of creative individuals, sportists, circus artists, skaters, rollerskaters, bmx-ers, dancers, tattoo artist, activists, migrants - truly the people that represent a clear and present danger to the society!
It is obvious that the eviction was prepared well in advance and in secret as a joint effort of MOL, police and at least 2 private security companies. To achieve their goals they used intimidation, beatings, pepper-spray, they detained at least 13 people, 6 needed ER treatment. The police was violent and absolutely went far beyond its legal powers, which is also what it does every day on the borders of Fortress Europe. Whose laws are these? In whose name? It is clear that the present circumstances enable the rulers the imposition of a new paradigm of governance, that is not only temporary. It is clear that all this is taking place no matter the content of various political proclamations of those in charge. It is clear that the mayor Janković uses his seemingly leftist credentials to cover up his neoliberal management of the city. It is clear that both the mayor of Ljubljana and the prime minister of the government of Slovenia are neoliberal predators who destroy what people built collectively and with hope for a better future. Social devastation, destruction of the social and elitization of cities are the wishes of all the ruling authorities, of the municipal, state and also of those of the european masters.
For the sharply dressed gang from MOL our places represent just a commodity to be used for profit-driven trade that brings benefits only to "the mayor's men and their companies". On the symbolic level the violent evictions of squats point to the general social climate - they point to suppression of any and all critical expression and resistance to the ruling ideology and structures of authority.
True, maybe AT Rog and its communities were not everyone's cup of tea, but the aggression that we are faced with, serves as a stage and a warning that is directed toward all of us with the express intent to intimidate and humiliate. In 15 years of its existence the community of AT Rog for sure did not have all the solutions at hand, but it did play an important role in the fight for the city that would be open for all. It put in enormous efforts so that Ljubljana would become more inclusive and accessible for many marginalized groups of people that struggle with finding their place in the city. Besides that the community of Rog represents one of the few obstacles to the process of capitalist destruction of the city - i.e. gentrification. It is this sense that AT Rog is important for the wider society also due to its long-lasting political and social engagement on the side of those that strive to establish conditions for decent living, work and creativity for all - also for those on minimal wage, for the precarious and for the unemployed. Autonomous spaces are places of encounters, joy, happiness and above all the growing of a social fabric beyond normative relations.
We will not bow our heads before the orchestrated force of the authorities and their mercenaries! We will not accept our expulsion - as in Ljubljana also in other places!
The coalition of Janković and Janša - fuck off, you and you uniformed thugs!
In light of recent protests and the experience of the destruction of Rog, police repression cannot be ruled out. This is why everyone should take care for each other! We are still in the midst of an epidemic, so we need to be safe from the virus as well - mask up!