Sokolc: 10let / 10 years
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- Kategorija: Prostori
- Objavljeno 24 Oktober 2016
V nedeljo 9.10.2016 smo se oglasili v Sokolcu, avtonomni kulturni coni v Novem mestu, ki ji Mestna občina NM in njen župan Macedoni grozila z izpraznitvijo.
Z uporabnikoma AKC Sokolc smo se pogovarjali o njihovem 10-letnem delovanju v teh prostorih, o vsej energiji, ki so jo investirali v njihovo obnovo in o entuziazmu, ki poganja ustvarjanje dodatnih kulturnih vsebin z velikim pomenom za lokalno okolje in strogo stoji na temeljih neprofitne logike.
Za več informacij glej:
Sokolci rabijo vašo podporo! Zdaj je čas, da ga obiščete!
Tudi v Novem mestu mineva 10 let od kar se je skupina slikarjev, glasbenikov, humanitarcev in aktivistov odlocila zasesti zapuščene in pozabljene prostore prvega narodnega doma na Kranjskem. Spomenik na katerega je pozabila oblast, pa tudi meščani, smo skvoterji urejali in obnavljali po lastnih moceh in z lastnimi sredstvi, sedaj pa zasebni interes javnih uslužbencev želi »resetirati stanje« in prostor izprazniti pod pretvezo prenove in odpiranja javnosti. Zgodba, ki jo poznamo iz številnih preteklih in aktualnih primerov.
Ker se je v zadnjem letu koncept avtonomije in svobodnih prostorov znašel pod udarom lokalnih oblasti, ki skušajo z implementacijo sile – tako preko prava kot neposredno s plačanci – uničiti zadnje ostanke skupnosti in horizontalnega povezovanja med družbenimi akterji, pozivamo vse uporabnike in uporabnice avtonomnih skupnosti na obisk v Sokolc v Novem mestu.
Tovariški pozdrav,
Sunday 9th October 2016 we dropped at Sokolc, an autonomous cultural zone in Novo mesto that is currently under threat of eviction pursued by the municipality of Novo mesto and its mayor Macedoni.
We spoke with the users of AKC Sokolc about their 10-years-long engagement with this place, about all the energy that has been invested in it and about the enthusiasm that is driving the creation of an additional and important cultural content in the local environment, all in strict adherence to non-profit logic.
For more information check:
In the end a call-out from Sokolc, that need your support! now it's the right time to visit it!
In a story with some similarities to Ljubljana's Autonomous Factory Rog also in Novo mesto it has been 10 years since a group of painters, musicians, humanitarians and activists decided to occupy an historical and then abandoned community space. It was a monument that was forgoten by the authorities and also by the local residents, when finally squatters got involved and started to clean and restore it with our own means. Now public employees pursuing the private interests want to reset the status of the building and evict current users using the excuse that it has to be restored in order to be then opened for public. It is a story that we know well enough from numerous past and current examples elsewhere.
Since in the last year the concepts of autonomy and spaces of freedom have come under attack from the local authorities which are emplyoing violence – in the form of court procedures as well as direct physical atacks by mercenaries – in order to destroy the last remnants of community and horizontal community relations, we call on all the users of autonomous comunities to come to Novo mesto and visit us in Sokolc.
Comeradly greetings,