On the 24th of June, 2014 the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg made an operation called "voluntary moving"...

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Pogovor z Lejlo je tekel predvsem o uporih v Bosni in Hercegovini. Govorili smo o vzrokih za upor, plenumih in nasilju ter kriminalizaciji.

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Minel iz Sarajeva o dogodkih na Mednarodnem Festivalu Queer Filma Merlinka.

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Proti kriminalizaciji vstajnikov!

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Dva aktivista SC Rog sta se odpravila na pot v Sofijo (Bolgarija), da bo se udeležila konference, ki je nosila naslov Nove perspektive levice (New Left Perspectives). Med svojim bivanjem v Bolgariji sta opravila serijo intervjujev s tovariši. Intervjuji se dotikajo različnih vprašanj, povezanih z boji ter tranzicijo na področju Balkana. V tem intervjuju nam tovariš iz Grčije (ki študira v New Yorku) razgrne dogajanje od sindikata bakra preko New Yorka, do Vi.Mea ter Krete in Grčije.

Two activists from Social Center ROG traveled to Sofia, Bulgaria to attend the conference New Left Perspectives. During the days in Bulgaria, they made a series of interviews with comrades on different issues related to struggles and transition in the Balkan region. In this interview, a comrade from Greece, studying in New York City gives an update on issues from Cooper Union and New York City to Vi.Meo and Crete in Greece.

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Dva aktivista SC Rog sta se odpravila na pot v Sofijo (Bolgarija), da bo se udeležila konference, ki je nosila naslov Nove perspektive levice (New Left Perspectives). Med svojim bivanjem v Bolgariji sta opravila serijo intervjujev s tovariši. Intervjuji se dotikajo različnih vprašanj, povezanih z boji ter tranzicijo na področju Balkana. V tem intervjuju nam tovariš iz Grčije (ki študira v New Yorku) razgrne dogajanje od sindikata bakra preko New Yorka, do Vi.Mea ter Krete in Grčije.

Two activists from Social Center ROG traveled to Sofia, Bulgaria to attend the conference New Left Perspectives. During the days in Bulgaria, they made a series of interviews with comrades on different issues related to struggles and transition in the Balkan region. In this interview, a comrade from Greece, studying in New York City gives an update on issues from Cooper Union and New York City to Vi.Meo and Crete in Greece.

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Dva aktivista SC Rog sta se odpravila na pot v Sofijo (Bolgarija), da bo se udeležila konference, ki je nosila naslov Nove perspektive levice (New Left Perspectives). Med svojim bivanjem v Bolgariji sta opravila serijo intervjujev s tovariši. Intervjuji se dotikajo različnih vprašanj, povezanih z boji ter tranzicijo na področju Balkana. V tem intervjuju nam tovariš iz Grčije (ki študira v New Yorku) razgrne dogajanje od sindikata bakra preko New Yorka, do Vi.Mea ter Krete in Grčije.

Two activists from Social Center ROG traveled to Sofia, Bulgaria to attend the conference New Left Perspectives. During the days in Bulgaria, they made a series of interviews with comrades on different issues related to struggles and transition in the Balkan region. In this interview, a comrade from Greece, studying in New York City gives an update on issues from Cooper Union and New York City to Vi.Meo and Crete in Greece.

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