Identifying the FA
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- Kategorija: Intervjuji
- Objavljeno 12 Oktober 2018
Pred časom je naše kraje obiskal tovariš s katerim smo skupaj razčlenjevali in raziskovali koncept antifašizma in njegove gibanjske manifestacije. Zanimalo nas je v kakšnih kontekstih antifašistična artikulacija in agenda stopata v ospredje in koga naslavlja.
Tovariš je z nami delil svoje razmisleke iz pozicije izkušnje njegove vpletenosti v anarhistične formacije Severne Amerike. Štartna pozicija analize je zatorej problematizacija liberalizma oz. identifikacija fašizma v samih temeljih liberalnega reda(prava).
Množična, populistična gibanja, ki liberalno demokracijo in državo ne problematizirajo kot tako, imenuje liberalna. Ta so na eni strani reakcionarna(homofobna, islabofobna, patriotistična itd.) in na drugi progresivna(v našem kontekstu je to večina NVO sektorja). Fašisti so torej tisti posamezniki in skupine, ki si prizadevajo za nekaj drugega kot je liberalna demokracija.
Nadalje poda komentar o množični identifikacija D.Trumpa za fašista in o podobnemu množičnemu prepoznanju novo-sprejetega zakona kot fašističnega v Kanadi leta 2012.
Iz svoje severnoameriškega konteksta kritizira levo-radikalno gibanje, ki v prvo vrsto postavlja svojo antifašistično identiteto, kot ekskluzivno subkulturno. Pridoda svoj ljubi citat grškega anarhista: "ne poimenujemo se za antifašiste, antirasiste itn. ker smo anarhisti, kar predpostavlja vse to". Opozori pa tudi na pojav v interni gibanjski dinamiki, ko se beseda fašist_ka, rada uporablja kot ultimativna politična žalitev. Zmerljivka fašist_ka znotraj levo-radikalnega gibanja torej označuje odnos tistega, ki jo izreka, kot močno pozicijsko nestrinjanje z naslovnikom zmerljivke. Ta ima nasilno izločevalni značaj, kjer se predpostavlja, da se tudi vsi ostali manj/ne-vpleteni opredelijo.
Pogovor zaključimo kot smo začeli: z liberalno demokratično državo (in njeno izvršno službo - policijo)in kako njene občasne legalistične eskapade še ne pomenijo, da ima analitično uporaba besede fašizem kaj več smisla. Država in policija počneta točno to kar jim po definiciji gre: vladajo, zatirajo, privatizirajo, prodajajo, eviktirajo, gentrificirajo, nadzorujejo, kaznujejo, deportirajo, razlaščajo,...
Več o AntiFa by shadowsmoke
Some time ago we had the pleasure to meet up with one of our comrade with whom we researched and analyzed the concept of antifascisem and its movement manifestations. We were interested in what contexts antifascist articulation and agenda is brought to the front and who is addressed by it.
Our comrade shared with us his thoughts for his position of involvement in anarchists formations in North America. Therefore the starting point of his analysis is problematization of liberalism, identifying the fascism in the core of liberal order.
Mass popular movements that don't problematicize liberal democracy in the state are therefore labeled as liberal. One one side there are reactionary (homophobic, islamophobic, patriotic ect.) and on the other progressive (in our context the NGO sector pushing agendas). Fascist are therefore individuals and groups which strive for something else then liberal democracy.
He continues with commenting on mass identification of D.Trump as a fascist and a similar mass resistance to a newly introduced law as being fascist in Canada in 2012.
From his North American context he criticized left-radical movement that would put his antifascist identity as primary, being exclusivistic and subcultural. He adds a quote of an Greek anarchist “we don't call ourselves antifascists, antiracists ect. because we are anarchists which presupposes all this.
He warns us also about the common negative internal dynamics of left-radical scene when the word fascist is used as an ultimate political insult. This insult, a fascist, is used in the left-radical movement to mark the relationship between the one who is saying it as a strong opposition and disagreement to the other that the work is addressed to. It has an aggressive eliminative character that presupposes that also others less or non-involved would choose sides.
We finish the conversation the way we started it: about the liberal democratic state (and its executive service - the police) and how its occasional legalistic escapades don't make any more scene to call it fascist. The state and police are (and will) do by its definition: they rule, oppress, privatize, evict, gentrify, control, penalize, deport, dispossess,...
More on Antifa by shadowsmoke