[English below]

V Sloveniji smo predvsem v letih po finančni krizi videli skokovito naraščanje brezposelnosti in prekernih zaposlitev. Redne službe so postale prava redkost, menja pa jih začasno pogodbeno delo, ki delavcem seveda ne omogoča varnosti in pravic potrebnih za normalno življenje. Zaradi odpuščanja in rezov v socialne transferje smo postali država z najhitrejšim porastom revščine, hkrati pa tudi zaposlitev mnogim še zdaleč več ne predstavlja izhoda iz stiske. Država je s svojo politiko varčevanja tako svojemu delavskemu razredu dala jasno sporočilo: postali ste odvečni.

Današnja situacija delavcev je neločljivo povezana z usodo migrantov. Ti so se zaradi vojnega ali ekonomskega opustošenja bili prisiljeni podati s trebuhom za kruhom v Evropo, tu pa so postali poceni delovna sila brez osnovnih pravic, prepuščeni na milost in nemilost izkoriščevalskih delodajalcev in negostoljubnih birokratov. Države se po eni strani okoriščajo z njihovim poceni delom, po drugi pa jim odrekajo enakopravnost in dostojanstvo.

Priča smo perverzni situaciji, ko vlade eno skupino “odvečnih ljudi” postavljajo nasproti drugi, ter svoje opeharjene delavce poskušajo prepričati, da so za nestabilne razmere krivi tujci. Nič ne bi moglo biti dlje od resnice, saj so tako migranti kot domači delavci izpostavljeni izkoriščanju izključno zato, da rešujejo dobičke najbogatejših. Vse več ljudi se zaveda, da je pot iz tega začaranega kroga možna le z medsebojnim sodelovanjem in solidarnostjo vseh, ki jih sistem potiska na rob.

Prekerci, brezposelni in migranti 1. marca po vsej Evropi z različnimi dogodki in akcijami opozarjamo na situacijo, v kateri smo se znašli. Pri nas je na pobudo stanovalcev azilnega doma na Viču ta dan potekala čistilna akcija, pri kateri smo sodelovali tako prekerni delavci kot prosilci za azil, ki prav tako iščejo mesto v družbi. Naše skupne frustracije je morda najbolje opisal pobudnik akcije iz azilnega doma s stavkom: “Hočemo početi nekaj koristnega!” Nihče izmed nas noče in ne sme postati odvečen. Svojevrsten absurd je, da demografsko ogrožena država, ki ne zmore poskrbeti niti za svoje stare, bolne in ranljive ljudi, niti za svoje okolje, tako arogantno zavrača vse, ki si tu poskušamo ustvariti boljše življenje. Ne le, da lahko skupaj izboljšujemo naše okolje, ampak nas to celo nujno potrebuje.

Fronta brez meja,
torek, 1. 3. 2016
In years after the financial crisis we noticed rapid growth of unemployment and precarious work in Slovenia. Full time jobs became a rarity. They are getting replaced with the temporary work contracts. This type of work does not ensure workers with the social security and welfare. Slovenia became a state with the most rapid growth of poverty due to job losses and social transfer cuts. Even large amount of employed people struggle to survive due to their low income. With its politics of tightening belts the state gave us a clear message: the working class became redundant.

The situation of today's working class is similar to the one of the migrants who are forced to leave their countries on account of war or economic devastation. They came to Europe in hope to find a better future. Instead of being fully included in the society they are used as a cheap workforce and deprived of their basic human rights by the employers and bureaucrats who exploit them. They are used as a low paid work force on one hand and deprived of equality and dignity on the other.

Now we are witnessing a perverse situation in which governments set one group of “redundant people” against the other, trying to convince their cheated workers that the foreigners are to be blamed for their unstable conditions. Nothing could be more far away from the truth because both migrants and native workers are exposed to exploitation solely for protecting the profits of the richest. More and more people are starting to realize that the way out of this enchanted circle is possible only with mutual cooperation and solidarity of all who are being pressed to the edge by the system.

Precarious workers, the unemployed and migrants are going to make their situation visible with different events and actions all around Europe on 1st March. On this day here will be a cleaning action on the initiative of the inhabitants of asylum home in Ljubljana in which we will work together, both us, local precarious workers, and foreign asylum seekers who are just as well trying to find their space in the society. Our mutual frustrations might have been best described way by the initiator of this action, himself an asylum seeker, with the sentence: “We would like to do something useful!” None of us wants to and should never become redundant. It is a unique absurdity that all of us who are trying to establish better life for ourselves are rejected so arrogantly by the country which is facing depopulation and which is incapable of taking care neither for its elderly, ill and most vulnerable people nor for its environment. Not only that we can in solidarity improve our environment, but our environment actually really needs us.

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