Police brutality in Porin
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal Komunal.org
- Kategorija: Video
- Objavljeno 23 Junij 2020
Police, during one of their unanounced morning raids in camp Porin, Zagreb, entered a room of man and his pregnant wife.
Police, during one of their unanounced morning raids in camp Porin, Zagreb, entered a room of man and his pregnant wife.
She went into shock from the stress (banging on door, entering unanounced, yelling) and became sick and faint. Her husband defended her for which they were both beaten. Having had enough of police violence and torture man climbed the tower next to camp Porin in an attempt to end his life. He decided to come down and continue fighting for his and their family's future. For some, police brutality is a constant reality.