Se je zgodil 06. septembra 2018.

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Kratek video, ki ponudi razlago o tem kdaj se je turnir začel, kako se ga organizira in kdo vse igra. Brcamo ga!

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Združene punk sile so 08.06.2018 zažigale za sodne stroške in SC Rog ter Jallo.

United punk forces have performed on 08 of Jun 2018  for legal costs for squat Rog, Social Center Rog and JallaJalla AKC Metelkova.

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ŽPZ Kombinat preforming:
- das Einheitsfrontlied
- O Gorizia tu sei maledetta

For the third time the Festival of Alternative Choirs (FAC) - initiated by Hor 29. Novembar from Vienna - gathers self-organized, activist, engaged choirs. During the two-day festival the aim is to question and expand their own work, look for new ways of presentation, intervention, musical development and cooperation.

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Kratko poročilo letošnjega samoorganiziranega nogometnega turnirja Brcnimo Rasizem! Short summery of this years selforganized football tournament Kick Racism in Ljubljana!

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Proti sovraštvu in nacionalizmu, gradimo solidarnost in odpor – vsak dan, ne le 1x na 4 leta!

31.05.2018 smo se na trgu srečali tudi mnogi tisti, ki se tudi sicer dnevno srečujemo v avtonomnih prostorih gradnje kontramoči. Skupaj še naprej gradimo drugačen svet, brez avtoritet.

Pridružite se nam!

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Krakowski Chór Rewolucyjny preforming:
- Gdy narod do boju
- Puntarska

For the third time the Festival of Alternative Choirs (FAC) - initiated by Hor 29. Novembar from Vienna - gathers self-organized, activist, engaged choirs. During the two-day festival the aim is to question and expand their own work, look for new ways of presentation, intervention, musical development and cooperation.

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Letošnji ljubljanski nogometni turnir #BrcnimoRasizem bo potekal v soboto, 23. junija na igriščih Športnega društva Tabor in Dijaškega doma Tabor v centru Ljubljane.


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Hor 29. Novembar preforming:
- Bilečanka
- Arbetlose March

For the third time the Festival of Alternative Choirs (FAC) - initiated by Hor 29. Novembar from Vienna - gathers self-organized, activist, engaged choirs. During the two-day festival the aim is to question and expand their own work, look for new ways of presentation, intervention, musical development and cooperation.

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Naša pjesma preforming:
- Nabrusimo kose
- Konjuh planinom

For the third time the Festival of Alternative Choirs (FAC) - initiated by Hor 29. Novembar from Vienna - gathers self-organized, activist, engaged choirs. During the two-day festival the aim is to question and expand their own work, look for new ways of presentation, intervention, musical development and cooperation.

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