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This profile represents the collective account for managers and editors. This collective started as 15o Media Group, formed during the uprisng of 2012-2013. It started to produce media from within the movement during the protests and has also worked on in-depth interviews, textual analysis, photography and audio-recordings. The collective does not aspire to journalism, but rather to explore the social context through media channels.

Slovenian translation....

Smo spletna stran, ki proizvaja medijske vsebine znotraj družbenih bojev v Sloveniji ter ponuja medijski prostor tudi drugim, ki razvijajo alternativne oziroma v gibanjih utemeljene medije tako v Sloveniji kot drugod.

We are a site that produce media from within social struggles in Slovenia and provide space for others producing alternative and movement based media in Slovenia and elsewhere.

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Z uporabo strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov. - Podrobnosti.