Iranian Correlation
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal
- Kategorija: Protesti
- Objavljeno 23 December 2019
We are here, as Iranian residents in Slovenia, on the 40th days since the deaths and arrests in the recent protests, to express our condolences for the dead and our solidarity for arrested people and their families.
Unfortunately, we are under the Mullah’s dictatorship and our people are sentenced to jail, in some cases even execution for their peaceful civil rights protests. This is the main reason of our exile.
Stay with us because you are symbol of freedom and we can be together the voice of this silence repression.
Tukaj smo, Iranci in Iranke v Sloveniji, da na 40 dan od smrti in aretacij v nedavnih protestih, izrazimo svoje sožalje umrlim in solidarnost z aretiranimi osebami in njihovimi družinami.
Na žalost v Iranu živimo v diktaturi, ljudje so obsojeni na zapor, včasih celo na usmrtitev, zaradi miroljubnega gibanja za svoje pravice. To je glavni razlog našega eksila.
Ostanite z nami kot simbol svobode in skupaj lahko damo glas tej tihi represiji.