Za dostojno življenje, dostop do zdravstva in dom za VSE!
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- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 20 Marec 2020
(eng below)
Nov strah skušajo zasejati med nas, a ustrahovalci so ponovno isti. Še nedolgo tega so nas ustrahovali z mitološko podobo zlobnega migranta, nato pa so nam na tako pripravljeno podlago vsilili investicije v militaristično opremo, zaostrovanje represije in krepitev policizacije vsakdanjega življenja. Tokrat je medtem, ko se številni med nami za spremembo soočajo z realno grožnjo za naše zdravje, pri veliki večini podlaga za strah postala precej bolj abstraktna, vseprisotna in neotipljiva. Sovpadanje, ki je čez noč ponovno spodneslo tla pod nogami številnih predstavnikov 'družbene kritike' iz liberalnih ali celo levo-radikalnih krogov družbe, ki so sicer v bolj običajnih razmerah glasni zagovorniki družbene pravičnosti in človekovih pravic (škoda le, da ju zamenjujejo s pravno državo).
V času velikega bega ljudi pred vojno in revščino v 2015 so oblasti prednostno aktivirale varnostne stratege. Pod taktirko slednjih so hkrati zatrle množične spontane oziroma samonikle oblike vzajemne pomoči, njihovo mesto pa so zasedle uradne humanitarne strukture, ki so vseskozi poslušno izvajale njihove ukaze. Danes je situacija zelo podobna. V prvih vrstah pametovalcev so ponovno varnostni strategi, le da sedaj izključno v svoje roke jemljejo pristojnosti, ki bi morale ostati v domeni infektologov ter drugih zdravstvenih strokovnjakov in strokovnjakinj. Pred leti so bile posledice umetno ustvarjenega ozračja izrednih razmer razmah rasizma in sovraštva v družbi na splošno ter totalna militarizacija področij, skozi katere se na zemljevidih vije črta, ki označuje državno mejo: stotine kilometrov rezalne žice in nato panelne ograje, kamere na meji, stalna prisotnost vojske in policije na obmejnem področju, stalna kontrola tako prebivalcev kot obiskovalcev, splošna legitimizacija in normalizacija nasilja nad begunkami in begunci, suspenz pravice do azila, trupla umorjenih v rekah in gozdovih in še in še. Kaj in v kakšnem obsegu bodo dolgoročne posledice tokratnih izrednih razmer, ki so jih oblasti vpeljale namesto zdravstveno utemeljenih ukrepov, zaenkrat še ni znano. Toda iz prvih potez gre sklepati, da bodo posledice teh ukrepov še bolj uničujoče kot sam koronavirus.
Nekateri se bodo v svoje domove zaprli z namenom zaščite pred virusom, toda v resnici se bodo zaprli pred družbo in realnostjo. Tako zaprti v svoje privilegije bodo dobro izkoristili dostop do sodobne tehnologije za delo od doma, ohranjanje socialnih stikov, bolj podjetni bodo za svoje otroke najeli posebnega učitelja na domu. Seznam zabave in opravkov za privilegirane v karanteni bodo redno osveževali lajfstajl magazini in ko bo enkrat zmanjkalo volje za eksotične recepte, se bo vedno možno lotiti sestavljanke s 5000 koščki ali nabaviti novo naročnino na trenutno modnega ponudnika zabavnih vsebin.
Toda tisti, ki so v tem režimu kapitalistične blaginje že tako odvečni in so zaradi tega deležni največje mere njegovega nasilja, bodo potisnjeni še bolj na družbeno obrobje. Njihovi življenjski pogoji bodo še dodatno okrnjeni. Ni več dostopa do javnih sanitarij, vode, socialnih menz, itd. Na odpadnike in odpadnice se bo nalepila še dodatna stigmatizacija, ker jim pandemije ni uspelo prebroditi na instagramabilen način, saj niso nikjer doma in se nimajo za vrniti v nobeno normalnost. Medtem, ko bodo tisti, ki se tako radi zgražajo nad neodgovornostjo posameznikov, bomo mnogi ostali - kot že tolikokrat poprej - govorili, kričali, pisali in risali o sistemski grozi, ki čaka »neuspešne«, »lene«, »nore« ali »neprilagojene«. Virus res ne pozna meja in družbenih razredov, toda te še kako dobro pozna dostop do učinkovite zdravstvene oskrbe v primeru okužbe. Tako kot imata onesnaževanje okolja in podnebne spremembe zelo različne posledice za ljudi, ki imajo na razpolago znatne finančne, tehnološke in druge vire, in za ljudi, ki teh virov na razpolago nimajo, velja isto tudi za življenje in preživetje v času pandemije in po njej.
Po koncu pandemije pa ne bodo vsi ostali tam, kjer so bili prej. Mnogi, ki so v zadnjem času končno uspeli zgraditi občutek neke vrste prihodnosti in relativne udobnosti, bodo zaradi posledic protidružbenih odgovorov na gospodarsko krizo, ki se razrašča v senci pandemije, padli na rob. Četudi domnevno varni za rezalno žico, se bodo mnogi soočili z dejstvom, da jim beli privilegij ne bo prav nič pomagal, ko jih bo kapitalistična mašina izpljunila kot peško. Mnogi današnji odpadniki in odpadnice pa bodo dokončno iz margine pahnjeni čez rob – v smrt. In spet se bodo med tem tisti-isti s pomočjo od oblastnih struktur podarjenih kriznih finančnih spodbud ponovno odevali v zlate suknje.
Ne gre zanikati, da se družbena realnost spreminja pred našimi očmi, toda ne gre se tudi predati malodušju. Namesto da vlado, druge državne strukture in Evropsko unijo pozivamo k ukrepom, ki bi povrnile občutek prejšnje normalnosti, ki je nekateri nikoli niti niso imeli. Zavejmo se, da te strukture niso tam zato, da bi služile nam, temveč tistim, ki imajo že tako ali tako dovolj vsega. Najprej moramo od nas samih zahtevati priznanje, da smo vsi ljudje in da si vsi zaslužimo enako pravico do življenja ter da si hkrati nihče med nami ne zasluži manj kot kdo drug. Zavedajmo se, da s tem ko ostro in brezkompromisno zavračamo naslavljanje zdravstvene krize z vojaškimi in policijskimi sredstvi, preprečujemo socialni genocid nad najbolj ranljivimi med nami in totalni prevrat družbe v diktaturo.
Zahtevajmo pa še veliko več, zahtevajmo dokončno prekinitev s sistemom, ki temelji na tem, da ljudem stalno jemlje zdravje, stanovanja, hrano, znanje, čas, ljubezen, radovednost in svobodo, torej vse tisto, kar nam omogoča, da smo ljudje.
Proti represiji nam begunci in begunkami, brezdomnimi in drugimi marginaliziranimi!
Za dostojno življenje, dostop do zdravstva in dom za VSE!
STOP vojski, STOP policiji, STOP militarizaciji!
Through coronavirus pandemia a new fear is being planted among us, yet there is nothing new about those who would do the planting. Not so long ago their preferable option to provoke fear was the use of a mythological image of an evil migrant, which laid down the convenient tracks for the real agenda to be pushed in our way: heavy investment in tools of militarization, strengthening of repression and enhancement of policization of everyday life. What is different this time around is that now many of us do indeed face a very real threat to our health. Even so, for the large majority of people the foundation of ever-present fear remains at the same time even more abstract, omnipresent and intangible. This curious contradiction threw off balance many a representative of 'social critique' from liberal or even left-radical parts of the society who in more normal circumstances take great pride in being vocal advocates for social justice and human rights (while sadly more often than not mixing them up with the rule of law).
During a large-scale flight of people from war and poverty in 2015 the Slovenian authorities primarily leaned on security strategists to come up with a response. It was under their guidance that they put down spontaneous and grass-roots forms of mutual aid, replacing them with the official humanitarian structures who always quietly complied with whatever orders the authorities threw at them. Today the situation is strikingly similar. Again it seems that the response to the coronavirus is being predominantly shaped by the security strategists, which have concentrated in their own hands the responsibilities that should have remained with the epidemiologists and other health professionals and experts. The consequences of deliberately provoked sense of emergency in 2015 were many and devastating: spread of racism and hatred in the general society; heavy militarization of areas through which - on the maps that represent them - line is drawn that designates a state border; hundreds of kilometres of razor wire and other forms of physical barriers; mass installation of surveillance cameras in the border areas; increased and constant presence of police and military in the border areas; constant control over residents and visitors; general legitimization and normalization of violence against refugees; near suspension of the right to asylum; dead bodies of the murdered in rivers and in the forests; and much more. What will be the exact long-term consquences of the state of emergency introduced during the pandemia is yet to be seen. But what is already clear is that a lot of so called emergency measures are being introduced by the Slovenian authorities instead of the measures that are necessary and justified on public health grounds and not as part of them. It is becoming increasingly clear that the social, political, human and economic consequences the former will cause will be more destructive than those caused by even the coronavirus itself.
Many will lock themselves in their homes in order to protect themselves from the virus. Sadly many will close themselves also from the society and reality. Cocooned in their privileges many will be able to make a good use of their access to technology enabling them to work from home (and thus retain a wage or other form of income), maintain a necessary social contacts, while more entrepreneural among them might even hire a personal home teacher for their children. Endless list of things-to-do while being privileged and in quarantine will be regularly refreshed by lifestyle magazines. And when the will to try another exotic dish will wane, there will always be that puzzle with 5000 pieces to play with or an option to sign up for a new package with the fashionable entertainment content provider.
Yet there are also those of us who in this regime of capitalist welfare belong to the surplus population and are because of this on the receiving end of most of its violence - and have been so long before any pandemia came to anyones lips. They and us will now be pushed to the social margins even more as their and our living conditions will be even more restricted as already many have lost realiable access to public toilets, water, social kitchens and other facilities. Due to their and our lack of ability to live though the pandemics in an instagramable way the heterogenous social outcasts will aquire yet another stigma, behind which is a simple truth that they have no place they would be able to call home and there is no normality that they can return to. And while those that like so much to point out the irresponsibility of others, many of the rest - like so many times before - will speak, scream, write and draw about the systemic horror that waits in store for 'the unsuccessful', 'the lazy', 'the crazy' or 'the unadjustable'. While it is certainly true that the virus does not know of any borders and classes, it is true also that in capitalist version of welfare the access to efficient health care is on the other hand very familiar with them. Just as the destruction of natural environment and climate change have very different effects on the lives of people that can mobilize large financial, techonological and other resources and on the lives of people that can't, the same applies also for life and survival in times of pandemia and after.
After pandemia not all will remain where they were before. Many that might have managed finally create a sense of some sort of future and relative well-being will be pushed to the edge by the antisocial response of the government to the economic crisis that is burgeoning in the shadow of the pandemia. Many who not so long ago felt safe behind the razor wire will soon realize that their white privilege will not protect them, when it is their turn for the capitalist machine to spit them out to misery as a pit. Many who already find themselves on the same edge will be pushed to the other side - to death. And while all this will be going down those-always-the-same will again benefit as the government will direct public money to their pockets through emergency financial help packages for the entrepreneural sector. Again they will be able to proudly don their golden suits whic they have earned by working so hard.
There is no denying the fact that social reality is changing in front of our eyes, but this does not need to mean that we give ourselves away to despair. Also this is no time for us to call on the government, other state structures and EU to impose this or that measure to return to us a sense of former normality, which in reality many have never known. We should be conscious of the fact that these structures are in place not to act in our interests but in the interest of those that already have enough of everything. At the same time we need to recognize that we all are humans and that we deserve the same right to live and that nobody deserves less than anybody else. By resolutely opposing the military's and police's approach to the health crisis we can prevent a social genocide over the most vulnerable among as and a total turn of the society towards a dictatorship.
But let us strive for much more. Let's demand a final break with the system that is based on constantly taking away peoples health, housing, food, knowledge, time, love, curiosity and freedom - of everything that makes us humans.
Against repression over refugees, homeless and other marginalized!
For a dignified life, for universal access to healthcare and housing for ALL!
STOP the military, STOP the police, STOP the militarization!
Ljubljana, 20th March 2020