(english below)

AT Rog s svojim obstojem že 14 let priča o tem, kaj prebivalci in prebivalke tega mesta potrebujemo. V zadnjih letih, obdobju gospodarske rasti, smo redno glasno in jasno nasprotovali kapitalističnemu pustošenju mesta, ki je ne le neposredno ogrožal obstoj Avtonomne tovarne, ene redkih preostankov izborjene skupnostne lastnine, ampak tudi širše in veliko bolj temeljno zajedal in uničeval možnost dostojnega življenja v Ljubljani.

Kriza ob izbruhu novega virusa je pokazala zgrešenost razvojne politike MOL. Mesto so podvrgli kapitalističnemu izčrpavanju, ga izpraznili vsebine, prebarvali fasade in ga predelali z infrastrukturo, prednostno namenjeno turistom in potrošništvu. Zdaj v času virusa, ko je življenje zreducirano na golo preživetje, si prebivalstvo s tem nima kaj dosti pomagati. Ta kriza je dobro pokazala, v kaj se je zares spremenila Ljubljana. Ker turistov ni in ker je potrošniška histerija prekinjena, je postala mesto duhov, praznih stavb, opuščenih izložb, tihih ulic, skozi katere brije mrzel veter. Sliši se le še korake in vzdihe mnogih, zdaj končno vidnih, brezdomnih ljudi, ki nimajo dostopa ne do vode, ne do sanitarij, ne do toplega obroka, kaj šele do postelje ali socialnega stanovanja. Redki buržuji centra, ki tečejo do bližjega parka, zdaj naredijo še večji ovinek, da bi se izognili že tako stigmatizirani in marginalizirani populaciji. Besedo solidarnost je oblast izkrivila z definicijo povečevanja socialne distance in totalne individualizacije.

Ko bomo kmalu priča propadu vse v zadnjem času zgrajene, potratne zabaviščne infrastrukture, se bomo mogoče lahko končno vprašali, kaj zares služi družbi oz. kaj je zares javno dobro in kaj potrebujemo: ali so to res enormne investicije v turistifikacijo mesta? Kriza bo za seboj pustila propadle hotele, hostle, restavracije, lokale, agencije in prireditvene prostore, poleg njih pa kup gradbišč z napol dokončanimi luksuznimi gradnjami. Toliko o “trajnostnem razvoju”, “zeleni prestolnici” in “človek čuvaj svoje mesto” - izkazale so se za varljive kampanje Potemkinove vasi. Na hud izpad prihodkov bi bili bistveno bolje pripravljeni, če bi se med konjunkturo vlagalo v javne stanovanjske kapacitete, zdravstvene domove, bolnice in javne storitve, ki resnično služijo potrebam ljudi. Jasno je postalo, da si z urejenim videzom zidov in ulic, primernih za fotografiranje, prebivalci ne moremo plačati najemnine ali položnic. Razvojne politike mesta ne smejo več biti usmerjene v kovanje dobičkov peščice, ampak v gradnjo infrastrukture, ki bo omogočala socialno gotovost in povezanosti, šele tako bi bili kot družba bolje opremljeni za življenje v tveganih razmerah. Zahtevamo drugačne temelje mesta, ki so postavljeni na osnovi dobrobiti vseh, ne glede na starost, zdravje, finančno stanje, status najemnika in druge okoliščine.

Skupnost AT Rog že 14. let deluje na robu družbe, in sicer po načelu solidarnosti in vzajemnosti ter se zoperstavlja sistemskemu nasilju kapitalističnega ropanja mesta in prebivalcev. Tako tudi v teh negotovih dneh vzpostavljamo mehanizme za pomoč soljudem, s katerimi bi potrebe skupnostno naslovili. Avtonomno tovarno smo sicer v času pandemije za širšo javnost zaprli. Na vhodna vrata smo namestili nabiralnik, v katerem lahko posamezniki in posameznice, ki so se znašle v stiski, pustijo sporočilce s kontaktom. Če bo le v naši moči, bomo priskočili na pomoč. V krizi gradimo skupno fronto solidarnosti za preživetje. Nujno je, da se zdaj povežemo in pripravimo na boje, ki pridejo takoj za tem z novimi poskusi privatizacijske kraje vele-predatorjev, ki se jim že danes cedijo sline.

Ob 14. obletnici tako kličemo:

Nikar ne povečujete socialne distance!

Čas je, da izumljamo nove načine za skupnostno skrb!

Poskrbimo, da skupaj preživimo, da se bomo skupaj lahko uprli!



On the 14th Anniversary:

For survival of the community, not only the individual!

With its 14 years of existence the Autonomous Factory Rog is a testimony to what we, the residents of this city, need. In recent years, during a period of economic growth, we have regularly and loudly opposed the capitalist devastation of the city, which not only directly threatened the existence of the Autonomous Factory, one of the few remnants of saved community property, but also widely and far more fundamentally corroded the possibility of a decent life in Ljubljana.

The crisis at the outbreak of the new virus has revealed the fallacy of the city government’s development policy. It subjected the city to capitalist depletion, emptied its contents, repainted its facades, and remodeled it with infrastructure primarily intended for tourists and consumers. Now, at a time when life is reduced to mere survival, the residents have little use of it. This crisis made clear what Ljubljana has really turned into. With no tourists around and the frenzy of consumerism interrupted, it has become a ghost town of empty buildings, abandoned storefronts, quiet streets through which the cold wind blows. One can only hear the footsteps and sighs of many, now finally visible, homeless people who have no access to water, toilets or to a hot meal, let alone a bed or social housing. The rare member of the center’s bourgeoisie jogging to the nearby park will now take an even longer detour to avoid the already stigmatized and marginalized population. The word solidarity has been distorted by those in power with the definition of increasing social distance and total individualization.

When we will witness the impending collapse of all of the recently built, wasteful entertainment infrastructure, we may finally ask ourselves what truly serves society, or what truly is the public good and what we need: is it really enormous investment in city tourism? The crisis will leave behind failed hotels, hostels, restaurants, outlets, agencies and event venues, alongside a selection of construction sites with semi-finished luxury buildings. So much for “sustainable development,” “green capital” and “look after your city” - they proved to be deceptive campaigns of a Potemkin Village. We would be much better prepared for a severe loss of incomes if during the period of economic growth we would have invested in housing, health centers, hospitals and public services that really serve people's needs. It became clear that the tidy appearance of walls and streets suitable for photography, came hand in hand with the inability of residents to pay the rent or bills. The development policies of the city should no longer be directed at forging the profits of a few, but at building infrastructure that will allow for social certainty and cohesion, as only this would make us better equipped as a society for a life in times of hazardous conditions. We demand a different foundation for the city, one that is based on the well-being of everyone, regardless of age, health, financial status, tenant status and other circumstances.

For 14 years the Rog community has been operating on the fringes of society, on the principles of solidarity and reciprocity, and resisting the systemic violence of capitalist looting of the city and its inhabitants. And even in these uncertain days we are putting in place support mechanisms for assistance to people with whom their needs would be communally addressed. In this uncertain period we are establishing support mechanisms for mutual community assistance. The Autonomous factory has been closed for the general public for the time of the pandemic. We installed a mailbox at the front door where people in need can leave a message with contact information.If possible, we’ll try to address the needs of our neighbors. In this crisis, we are building a common front for solidarity for survival. It is necessary that we now connect and prepare for the struggles to come immediately after, with new attempts of privatizing theft at the hands of already drooling grand-predators!

So on the 14th anniversary, we call:

Don't increase your social distance!

It's time to invent new ways for community care!

Let's survive together so we can fight together!

Z uporabo strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov. - Podrobnosti.