Marš za Muro / Marsch Für Die Mur

Marša za Muro, ki je potekal v soboto, 6. januarja 2018, se je udeležilo okoli 400 pohodnikov, ki so skupaj dali jasno sporočilo: "Zavzemamo se za ohranitev reke Mure ter našega življenjskega prostora, ki je neločljivo povezan s tekočo reko. Od pristojnih zahtevamo, da Muro izbrišejo iz vseh dokumentov, ki govorijo o gradnji hidroelektrarn."

400 people was marching for the river Mura that took place on Saturday, 6th of January in the border town Trate/Cmurek. The clear massage was provided: “ We are here for preservation of the Mura river and our living space, which is tiddly connected with the running river. We are demanding that the Mura river is deleted from all the documents, that are in favour of building the hydro-plants!”

(Muzej norosti/Museum des Wahnsinns/Museum of Madness)

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