Letošnji ljubljanski nogometni turnir #BrcnimoRasizem bo potekal v soboto, 23. junija na igriščih Športnega društva Tabor in Dijaškega doma Tabor v centru Ljubljane.


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Združene punk sile so 08.06.2018 zažigale za sodne stroške in SC Rog ter Jallo.

United punk forces have performed on 08 of Jun 2018  for legal costs for squat Rog, Social Center Rog and JallaJalla AKC Metelkova.

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Hor 29. Novembar preforming:
- Bilečanka
- Arbetlose March

For the third time the Festival of Alternative Choirs (FAC) - initiated by Hor 29. Novembar from Vienna - gathers self-organized, activist, engaged choirs. During the two-day festival the aim is to question and expand their own work, look for new ways of presentation, intervention, musical development and cooperation.

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ŽPZ Kombinat preforming:
- das Einheitsfrontlied
- O Gorizia tu sei maledetta

For the third time the Festival of Alternative Choirs (FAC) - initiated by Hor 29. Novembar from Vienna - gathers self-organized, activist, engaged choirs. During the two-day festival the aim is to question and expand their own work, look for new ways of presentation, intervention, musical development and cooperation.

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Krakowski Chór Rewolucyjny preforming:
- Gdy narod do boju
- Puntarska

For the third time the Festival of Alternative Choirs (FAC) - initiated by Hor 29. Novembar from Vienna - gathers self-organized, activist, engaged choirs. During the two-day festival the aim is to question and expand their own work, look for new ways of presentation, intervention, musical development and cooperation.

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Naša pjesma preforming:
- Nabrusimo kose
- Konjuh planinom

For the third time the Festival of Alternative Choirs (FAC) - initiated by Hor 29. Novembar from Vienna - gathers self-organized, activist, engaged choirs. During the two-day festival the aim is to question and expand their own work, look for new ways of presentation, intervention, musical development and cooperation.

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Padaj silo i nepravdo and the Internationale preformed in the streets of Vienna on 26. May in FAC street-style! With Kombinat Ženski Pevski Zbor, Krakowski Chór Rewolucyjny, Naša pjesma and HOR 29. Novembar.


For the third time the Festival of Alternative Choirs (FAC) - initiated by Hor 29. Novembar from Vienna - gathers self-organized, activist, engaged choirs. During the two-day festival the aim is to question and expand their own work, look for new ways of presentation, intervention, musical development and cooperation.

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V torek sta se dogajali dve deportaciji. Policija je odpeljala tovariša in dobrega prijatelja iz Nigerije. Ko sta z zaročenko prišla opravit redno javljanje na policijski postaji, ju je tam pričakala množica policajev v polni opremi. Pred njenimi očmi so ga vklenili, ga strpali v kombi in odpeljali neznano kam. Prav tako so skupaj z njim odpeljali državljana Gambije, ki v Sloveniji biva že 6 let in ima celo veljavno začasno zadrževanje. Pri tem primeru je policija zavajala njegovo pravno pooblaščenko…

Več informacij

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19.-21.april 2018
AKC Metelkova mestu

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Tiskovna konferenca:

Po skoraj dveh letih v Sloveniji – deportacija?

Ahmad Shamieh, begunec iz Sirije
Jerneja Turin, Amnesty International Slovenije
Saša Zagorc, izr. prof. dr., Katedra za ustavno pravo
Miha Blažič – N'toko

Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU


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