FAC:Festival Alternativer Chöre - Flash Mob
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal Komunal.org
- Kategorija: Dogodki
- Objavljeno 26 Maj 2018
Padaj silo i nepravdo and the Internationale preformed in the streets of Vienna on 26. May in FAC street-style! With Kombinat Ženski Pevski Zbor, Krakowski Chór Rewolucyjny, Naša pjesma and HOR 29. Novembar.
For the third time the Festival of Alternative Choirs (FAC) - initiated by Hor 29. Novembar from Vienna - gathers self-organized, activist, engaged choirs. During the two-day festival the aim is to question and expand their own work, look for new ways of presentation, intervention, musical development and cooperation.