oktobra so nas v sklopu infoture fight fortress eu obiskalx tovarišx, aktivnx na meji med poljsko in belorusijo. avgusta lani se je, po 'umiku' ameriških sil iz afganistana povečal prehod ljudi preko poljsko beloruske meje. k rasti števila ljudi, ki želijo po tej poti priti v evropo, in k humanitarni katastrofi, ki je sledila, je dodatno prispevala sadistična kampanja beloruskega diktatorja lukašenka, o enostavnem vstopu v evropo preko belorusije - za podrobno raziskavo
povezave med organiziranim tihotapstvom in belorusko diktaturo, v branje svetujemx see minsk and die: how belorusan firms smuggle refugees. v avgustu in septembru 2021 se je število ljudi, ki poskušajo prestopiti mejo trdnjave evrope med poljsko in belorusijo povečevalo, na kar je poljska odgovorila z zaporo meje, gradnjo zidu in militarizacijo obmejnega območja. sicer pod unescom zaščiten naravni rezervat se je tako spremenil v vojaško bazo, polno vojakov, specialnih enot policije in oklepnih vozil, ki so na vstopnih točkah nadlegovale vsakogar, ki je želel vstopiti na 'prepovedano' območje.

kmalu po prvih poročilih o ljudeh v gozdu, ki pokriva obmejni teren, je poljska država razglasila stanje izrednih razmer, ki je celotno obmejno območje za več mesecev zaprlo in onemogočilo dostop aktivistx in novinarjx – vsakršno poročanje o stanju na meji ter pomoč ljudem na poti je bilo tako za več mesecev oteženo in odvisno predvsem od ljudi s prebivališčem na "no-go" področju. hkrati ni bilo računati na pomoč s strani tovarišx na beloruski strani meje - 30 let diktature je večino aktivistx, tistx, ki jih ni pozaprla, prisilila v beg iz države. nizke temperature in močvirnat teren ter push backi in nasilje (dobro znane metode pretepanja in jemanja telefonov, po katerih slovita hrvaška in srbska policija, nadgrajene s polivanjem z vodo v hudem mrazu ter napadi policijskih psov) tako poljske kot beloruske obmejne straže so že v prvem mesecu t.i. izrednih razmer povzročile prve smrti na obmejnem območju. poročila o smrtih, nasilju policije, o rastočem številu ljudi na poti ter vsesplošen občutek prikrivanja obstoječe situacije so spodbudila odziv aktivistx, ki so se že v prvih mesecih organiziralx in
začelx nuditi osnovno humanitarno pomoč ljudem na poti. poljska je na odziv aktivistx odgovorila s kriminalizacijo vsakršnih poskusov solidarnosti z ljudmi na poti ter z rasistično propagando o nevarnosti, ki preti na meji ter herojstvu vojske in policije, ki dneve in noči varujeta poljske državljanx pred invazijo nevarnih begunx.

kljub kriminalizaciji in propagandi ter odsotnosti vsakršne pomoči s strani nevladnih organizacij, so se aktivistx organiziralx na več nivojih – na obmejnem območju so vzpostavilx baze in telefonske linije za nujno pomoč, organiziralx demonstracije pred centrom za pridržanje tujcev, postavilx mrežo prevajalx ter pravne pomoči, tako za ljudi na poti kot za kriminalizirane aktivistx, ter se z informiranjem o stanju na meji poskušalx boriti proti državni propagandni mašineriji. v enem letu so vzpostavilx relativno stabilno mrežo za direktno pomoč ljudem na poti, za katero pa je ključna pomoč tovariških mrež, katere del smo tudi mx. kako lahko pomagamo? poleg direktne pomoči na meji ter zbiranja sredstev za njihovo delo, donacij oblačil, obutve, pametnih telefonov in power bankov, prevajanja tekstov in ozaveščanja, je pomembno poljsko-belorusko mejo razumeti v širšem kontekstu boja proti trdnjavi evropi in za svobodo gibanja vseh. začnemo lahko z bojem proti mejnim režimom in solidarnostjo z ljudmi na poti na lokalnem teritoriju.

brick by brick, wall by wall, make the fortress europe fall!

fckborders ljubljana

za podatke o stanju na poljsko-beloruski meji spremljajte  na telegramu:
delo tovarišx na meji lahko podprete tudi z donacijo na:



in october, we were visited by comrades active on the border between poland and belarus as part of the infotour fight fortress eu. last august, after the 'withdrawal' of american forces from afghanistan, the crossing of people across the polish-belarusian border increased. the increase in the number of people who want to come to europe via this route, and the humanitarian disaster that followed, was further contributed to by the sadistic campaign of the belarusian dictator lukashenko, about easy entry into europe via belarus - for a detailed investigation of the connection between organized smuggling and the belarusian dictatorship, read see minsk and die: how belarusian firms smuggle refugees. in august and september 2021, the number of people trying to cross fortress europe's border between poland and belarus increased, to which poland responded by closing the border, building a wall and militarizing the border area. a nature reserve otherwise protected under UNESCO was thus transformed into a military base full of soldiers, special police units and armored vehicles, which harassed anyone who wanted to enter the 'forbidden' area at the entry points.

soon after the first reports of people in the forest along the border, the polish state declared a state of emergency, which closed the entire border area for several months and prevented access to activists and journalists - any reporting on the situation at the border and help to people on the move was thus made difficult for several months and depended mainly on people living in the "no-go" area. at the same time, help from comrades on the belarusian side of the border could not be counted on - 30 years of dictatorship forced most of the activists, those who were not imprisoned, to flee the country. low temperatures and swampy terrain and push backs and violence (the well-known methods of beating and taking phones that the croatian and serbian police are famous for, with addition of pouring water in freezing temperatures and attacks by police dogs) of both polish and belarusian border guards are already in the first month so-called state of emergency caused the first deaths in the border area. reports of deaths, police violence, the growing number of people on the move and the general feeling of covering up the existing situation motivated the reaction of activists, who organized themselves in the first months and began to provide basic humanitarian aid to the people on the way. the state of poland responded to the reaction of the activists by criminalizing any attempts to show
solidarity with the people on the move and with racist propaganda about the danger that looms at the border and the heroism of the army and police, who protect polish citizens day and night from the invasion of dangerous refugees.

despite criminalization and propaganda and the absence of any help from non-governmental organizations, activists organized on several levels -
they established bases and telephone lines for emergency help in the border area, organized demonstrations in front of the detention center for foreigners, set up a network of translators and legal aid, as well for people on the move as for criminalized activists, and tried to fight against the state propaganda machinery by informing about the situation at the border. in one year they established a relatively stable network of direct aid to people on the move - for this, the help of comradely networks, of which we are part part, is crucial. how can we help? in addition to direct help at the border and donating funds for their struggle, donations of clothes, shoes, smart phones and power banks, translation of texts and raising  awareness, it is important to understand the polish-belarusian border in the broader context of the struggle against borders and for freedom of movement for all. we can start with the fight against the border regimes and solidarity with the people on the way in the local territory.

brick by brick, wall by wall, make the fortress europe fall!

fckborders of Ljubljana

for information on the situation on the polish-belarusian border, follow
on telegram: t.me/no_borders_team
you can also support the work of comrades on the border with a donation at:

Z uporabo strani komunal.org soglašate z uporabo piškotkov. - Podrobnosti.