Avtonomna tovarna Rog NI depo-odlagališče:

Avtonomna tovarna Rog se že nekaj časa srečuje s težavami pri odvažanju smeti. Ker smo vpeti v sodobni svet potrošnje, v katerem posameznik neizogibno proizvaja prevelike količine odpadne embalaže, moramo v urbanem kontekstu imeti dostop do javne infrastrukture, ki je namenjena upravljanju s tovrstnimi odpadki.
Odkar je MOL stopila v novo poglavje hiper-gentrifikacije mesta Ljubljane, se je bilo mnogo prebivalcev mesta prisiljeno soočiti z vpeljavo novega režima ravnanja z odpadki. Določena so bila nova zbirna mesta za smeti preko sistema podzemnih zbiralnikov, do katerih se dostopa z elektronsko kartico. Ta sistem je bil za zdaj uveden le v turistično najbolj obljudenem centru mesta, da prejšnji smetnjaki ne bi kazili turističnih fotografij. Tak ustroj pa prehaja iz mestnega središča na sosednje soseske, saj potreba oblasti po nadzoru in novih donosnih poslih s smetmi narašča.
Poleg znanih afer takih in drugačnih pljačk županovih prijateljev je sistem podzemnih zbiralnikov postal svojevrsten vir nadzora in represije nad prebivalstvom. Poleg tega, da so majhne reže na novih “smetnjakih” nepraktično oblikovane in neprimerne velikosti, je tu bistvena težava dostopnosti do odlaganja odpadkov v zbiralnike. Nenadoma je dostop postal omejen le na posameznike - imetnike kartice, ki tako individualizira upravičenost dostopa do javne službe. Hkrati je tovrstna individualizacija tudi vir represivnega delovanja mestnega smetarskega menadžmenta proti posameznikom ob morebitnem nepravilnem »prostovoljnem« opravljanju dela ločevanja odpadkov.
Vsemu temu je podvržena večina prebivalcev mestnega jedra, skupaj z njimi tudi soseska na Trubarjevi cesti, kjer prav tako domuje skupnost AT Rog. Od prenove Trubarjeve se je gentrificirani center razširil vse do Rozmanove ulice. Kot je znano že iz prakse drugih predelov mesta so podzemni zabojniki znanilci vzpostavljajočih se dragih hipsterskih kavarn, hip-urbanih umetniških projektov, airbnb-jev, višanja najemnin in drugih negativnih družbeno-ekonomskih uničujočih procesov. Stisko zaznavamo ne le zato, ker sami ne vemo več kam z vsakdanjimi odpadki, temveč tudi, ker do nedavnega pred našimi vrati redno najdevamo vreče smeti naših sosedov, ki so se znašli v podobni situaciji. Širšo sosesko smo z obvestilno tablo pozvali, da smeti ne odlaga v AT Rog in naj deluje odgovorno samoorganizirano.
AT Rog je skupnostni prostor in prostor skupnosti. V njem na dnevni bazi ustvarjajo in delujejo ne le uporabniki in uporabnice, temveč dvorišče redno uporabljajo številni obiskovalci in obiskovalke. Skupnost AT Rog je vedno sama skrbela za čistočo, z novim režimom pa se zdi, da MOL to (načrtno) preprečuje, saj nam je dostop do zabojnikov za smeti onemogočen. Mnogi prebivalci soseske smo tako prisiljeni v iskanje neljubih rešitev, ki tudi pri najboljši nameri ne morejo biti trajnostne.
Pozivamo k ukinitvi represivnega režima podzemnih zabojnikov in vrnitvi k staremu sistemu kontejnerjev za smeti, kjer je bil dostop tako do odlaganja kot do recikliranja in ponovne uporabe neomejen za vse!

Skupščine Avtonomne tovarne Rog, Ljubljana, 29.09.2020



Autonomous factory Rog is NOT a landfill:

For some time now, the Rog Autonomous Factory has been facing problems with garbage disposal. Because we are immersed in the modern world of consumption, in which the individual inevitably produces excessive amounts of packaging waste, we must also have access to public infrastructure for the management of such waste in the urban context.
Since the MOL (Municipality of Ljubljana) entered a new chapter in the hyper-gentrification of Ljubljana, many city residents have been forced to face the introduction of a new waste management regime. New garbage collection points have been designated with a system of underground bins, which can be accessed with an electronic card. This system has so far only been introduced in the city’s most crowded tourist center, so that previous bins would no longer spoil tourist photos. This however, is spreading from the city center to outer neighborhoods as well, as the need for control and new profitable garbage deals of the authority grows.
In addition to the well-known scandals of such and other robberies by the mayor's friends, the system of underground reservoirs has become a kind of source of control and repression over the population. As small gaps in the new “bins” are impractically designed and of inappropriate size, there is also a significant problem with the accessibility of waste disposal in bins. Suddenly, access became limited to individuals - cardholders, thus individualizing the right to public service. At the same time, such individualization is also a source of repressive action of the city garbage management department against individuals in the event of improper "voluntary" waste separation work.
Most of the inhabitants of the city center are subject to all this, including the neighborhood on Trubarjeva cesta, where the Autonomous factory Rog community lives as well. Since the renovation of Trubarjeva, the gentrified center has expanded all the way to Rozmanova ulica. As is already known from the practice of other parts of the city, underground containers are signaling emerging expensive hipster cafes, hip-urban art projects, airbnbs, rent increases and other negative socio-economic destructive processes. We perceive distress not only because we ourselves no longer know where to manage our own waste, but also because until recently, we regularly found garbage bags in front of our gates deposited by our neighbors who have found themselves in a similar situation. With a notice board, we called on the wider neighborhood not to dump garbage at Autonomous factory Rog and to act responsibly self-organized.
Autonomous factory Rog is a community space and a space of community. It is not only regular users who create and work in it on a daily basis - the yard is constantly used by many visitors. The community of Autonomous factory Rog has always taken care of cleanliness on its own, and with the new regime, MOL seems to be (purposefully) preventing this, as we are denied access to garbage bins and disposal. Together with many residents of the neighborhood we are thus forced to look for disliked solutions that cannot be sustainable even with the best of intentions.
We call for an end to the repressive regime of underground containers and a return to the old system of rubbish bins, where access to disposal, recycling and reuse was unlimited for all!

Assembly Autonomus Factory Rog, Ljubljana, 29.09.2020

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