VIDEO: Rogovjansko večglasje: video portfolijo /Multivoices from Rog

25' (no eng sub)

Kratek film je nastal v luči borbe Avtonomne tovarne Rog za obstanek, v borbi proti pritiskom gentrifikacije, turistifikacije in hegemonije kapitala na sploh. Ta boj je ofenziven skozi vsakodnevno prakso in odnose, ki jih kreira skupnost ter defenziven v obrambi pred nasilnimi intervecijami oblastnih struktur mesta (MOL z varnostniki in sodišči) in države(redno policijsko nadlegovanje in kazensko izčrpavanje najbolj prekarnega ljudstva). V svoji formi film kritično naslavja vsiljevanje oblastnih modelov delovanja, ki prihajajo od zgoraj, na skupnost, ki se je v prostorih nekdanje tovarne koles Rog organsko formirala v svojih 13. letih avtonomnega delovanja. S tem ko skupnost naslovimo s klasičnimi "projektno razpisnimi" in od mesta ponujenimi rešitvami, absurd in protislovnost vladajočega neoliberalno kapitalističnega in nacionalno državnega sistema v katerem živimo, z živlljenjem samim, pride še toliko bolj do izraza.

The short movie came into being in a context of a fight for preservation of  Autonomous Factory Rog, in the fight against the pressures of gentrification, tourism and the hegemony of capital  in general. This struggle is offensive through daily practice and relationships of the community, and defensive  against violent interventions of city authorities (MOL with security guards and court procedures) and the state (regular police harassment and fine- giving - resources-exhaustion of the most precarious people). In its form, the film critically addresses the imposition of authority-created models of being from above on to the community that has been organically formed in the premises of the former Rog bicycle factory in its 13 years of autonomous operation. By addressing the community with the classic "project call-out" and the solutions offered by the city, the absurdity and contradiction of the ruling neo-liberal capitalist and national state system in which we live, with life itself, becomes even more pronounced.

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