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Antifa sestre

Antifa sestre je iniciativa brezimnih junakinj ulice, ki se včasih pojavijo sredi noči, spet drugič pa vsem na očeh naglo tečejo po ulicah. Prvič so se pojavile v meglicah neznanega, med napadi neonacistov na avtonomne prostore v Sloveniji, februarja 2016, odločene, da udarijo nazaj! Od takrat naprej merijo utrip ulic tako v mestih, kot na vasi,  iz sten odirajo sovražna sporočila, trenirajo za obrambo projektov, ki so nam dragi in plešejo na ruševinah obstoječega reda. 


Po ulicah se sprehajajo z vsemi tistimi, ki hočejo živeti v mestih, kjer se jim ni treba bati, ko zvečer vandrajo same. Kjer slogani iz ust ljudi ne nosijo sporočil sovraštva, ampak so pesmi upora in poguma. Antifa sestre smo vse me, ki zavračamo, da se nas postavlja na »pripisana« mesta, vse ki se borimo za svet onkraj tega, vse, ki se ne bojimo več pokazati svojega poguma. Antifa sestre smo vse, ki zavračamo predajo.


Antifa sisters

Antifa sisters is an initiative of unnamed heroines of the streets, that sometimes appear in the middle of the night, and other times fiercely run through the streets in the plain sight. Antifa sisters first emerged from the mists of unknown in the wake of Neo-Nazi attacks on autonomous spaces in Slovenia in February 2016. Determined to bash back! Ever since they have been measuring the vibe of the streets of cities and villages of Slovenia, ravishing hateful messages from the walls, training for defense of projects we hold dear and dancing on the ruins of existing order.


They have walked the streets with all of those, who want to live in cities where they don't have to be afraid to walk the nights alone. Where the slogans on people's lips were not messages of hate but songs of resistance and courage. They are all of us, who refuse to stand down whey we are put to our place. All of us who struggle for a world beyond this one. Who no longer fear to show our courage. They are all of us, refusing to give in.



Who you gonna call? Antifa sisters!

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