V ponedeljek, 29. 2., so v atriju ZRC SAZU nastopili prosilci za azil iz Sirije, Iraka, Afganistana, Irana in Egipta. Govorili so o svojih državah, življenju pred vojno in svojih pogledih na prihodnost.

Benefit »Čez vse meje« je organizirala meddijaška iniciativa Param dokso. Primarni namen dogodka je bil ozaveščanje in izobraževanje javnosti o dogajanju na mejah, o državah, iz katerih prihajajo begunci in odzivih na njihov prihod. Na dogodkih so se zbirali prostovoljni prispevki za pomoč azilantom in prosilcem za azil.

On Monday, 29th of February, 5 asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Egypt talked about their respectful countries, life before the war and their hopes for the future.

The benefit was hosted by Param dokso, an initiative of high school students in Ljubljana. The primary purpose was and is spreading awareness and educating the general public about the situation on the borders, the countries from which refugees are coming, and the responses to their arrival. All money, acquired with voluntary contributions, will be used to help asylum holders and seekers in Slovenia.


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