Neomajno odločni proti militarizmu in vojnam!//Inherently resolveded against militarism and wars!
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal Anarhistična pobuda Ljubljana
- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 21 Januar 2020
(english below)
Od zasedbe Metelkove, preko kampanje proti vstopu v zvezo Nato in napadu na Irak, do Rojave in Irana
V zadnjem času smo priča še enemu primeru vojnega zaostrovanja – tokrat v Iranu. Pri tem ne gre za novo vojno stanje, temveč za vojno razsežnost kontinuirane politike ekstraktivizma s strani držav t. i. Zahoda. Slednje že desetletja s kombinacijo uspešnih in manj uspešnih poskusov prevratov, netenjem sovraštva in vojaške agresije ustvarjajo nestabilen Bližnji vzhod kot del permanentnega stanja sočasnih državljanskih vojn. Nova nestabilnost zagotavlja optimalne pogoje za kolonialno izkoriščanje naravnih virov: na Bližnjem vzhodu sta to denimo nafta in zemeljski plin, v Boliviji litij, v Kongu kobalt, drugje pa še marsikaj drugega.
V procesih ohranjanja kolonialnega gospostva se poskušajo okoriščati tudi slovenske elite. Pridno sodelujejo v vojaških operacijah in jih v očeh javnosti poskušajo legitimirati ali jim celo nadeti humanitarni značaj. Kljub temu, da je doprinos slovenskih oblasti prej karikaturne kot simbolne narave, pa je naraščajoči militarizacijski pohlep moč zaznati tudi pri nas. V post-invazijskem obdobju je imela Slovenska vojska v Iraku prisotna dva vojaka, deset let kasneje pa že kar šest, kar predstavlja eskalacijo vojaških sil za več sto odstotkov! Poleg tega ne smemo pozabiti na željo po vzpostavitvi vojaške baze v Luki Koper in željo po nakupu za t. i. obrambo domovine povsem neuporabne vojaške mašinerije.
Na nepotrebno vpletanje slovenskih vojakov v mednarodne plenilsko-vojaške pohode kaže tudi zadnji primer, ko se je celo Iran spomnil, da mora pred simbolnim raketnim napadom nanj opozoriti vseh šest pripadnikov Slovenske vojske v vojaški bazi Erbil, ki so nato bazo zapuščali oz. v njej ostajali, po njihovem odhodu pa na koncu najbrž niti nemška vojska, pod taktirko katere so bili nastanjeni, ni opazila, da jih ni. Taisti vzorec hlapčevskega podrejanja lokalnih politikov višjim kapitalističnim interesom zveze Nato lahko opazujemo že vse od osamosvojitve. Najsi gre za kupovanje izraelskega orožja ali podpisovanje obskurnih izjav podpore vojnemu hujskaštvu, kot je bila npr. t.i. Vilenska izjava, s katero je Slovenija pristopila h »koaliciji voljnih«, ki je leta 2003 podprla popolnoma nelegitimno intervencijo Združenih držav Amerike v Iraku in s tem sprožila vojno, ki še vedno traja.
Pri našem nasprotovanju vojni v Iranu se je pomembno spomniti na zgodovino anti-militarizma v Sloveniji. V devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja je bila – tudi kot izraz moči takratnega protivojnega gibanja – zasedena kasarna Metelkova. Izjemno močno protinatovsko in protivojno gibanje v letih 2002–2004 je politično na kolena spravilo tedanjo vlado in ji vsililo referendum o vstopu Slovenije v Nato ter bilo hkrati del globalnega odpora proti ameriški invaziji na Afganistan in Irak.
Danes smo že globoko v novem obdobju vojnih konfliktov, kjer se v navidezno lokalnih konfliktih spopadajo globalne sile, paradržavne formacije, ki imajo pogosto neposredne povezave s korporativnimi interesi. Globalne velesile uporabljajo tudi različne gospodarske sankcije in druge ekonomske prijeme za destabilizacijo »nevšečnih« oblasti. Rezultat je nevzdržna revščina, ki privede do upravičenih socialnih nemirov, te pa nato propagandna mašinerija uporabi za legitimacijo vojaške intervencije, vzpostavitev nove »všečne« vlade in vključitev v svetovni trg. Tu gre za trojni dobiček – najprej zaslužijo vojni jastrebi, ki se napajajo s prodajo orožja vsem stranem v konfliktih, temu sledi obnova žarišč z mednarodnimi posojili in brezpogojnim zadolževanjem nastavljenih oblasti, ki so kasneje v zameno za denar pripravljeni svoje trge, surovine in ljudi podvreči tujim kapitalskim interesom.
Lokalno gledano ti konflikti krepijo avtoritarne politike tako na področjih žarišč kakor pri nas in so uporabljeni za uravnavanje domačih položajev moči za desničarske in ekstremno sredinske politike. Zahodnjaške hegemonske sile Nata najprej destabilizirajo in radikalizirajo populacijo na drugem koncu sveta. Sledijo posledice v obliki prisilnih selitev, migracij in ostalih sodobnih pojavov, ki jih iste hegemonske sile nato izkoristijo za podpihovanje nestrpnosti in upravičevanje militarizacije doma. Državna propaganda s pomočjo lažnih informacij v imenu naše varnosti vsiljuje diskurz nujnosti vojaških intervencij v tujini in obenem posledice teh intervencij predstavlja kot ločen varnostni problem ter - ponovno v imenu naše varnosti - povečuje pooblastila vojski in policiji, postavlja rezalno žico na meje in s svojimi dejanji ubija tiste migrante, ki jih ni uspela usmrtiti v deželah, iz katerih prihajajo.
Zahtevamo takojšnji umik vseh vojakov Slovenske vojske iz tujih operacij in izstop iz zveze Nato. Tako Slovenska vojska kot zveza Nato že dolgo nimata nobene legitimnosti. Jasno je, da ne zastopata širših interesov, ampak zgolj interese zastopnikov kapitala. Predlagamo, da se vojska reorganizira v nekakšno civilno zaščito in raje,kot da še naprej povzroča nepotrebne smrti tako v tujini kakor na naših mejah s Hrvaško, svoje pripadnike izšola za bolničarje, gozdarje, negovalce zavrženih mačk, gasilce ali pastirje, ki bi lahko pred volkovi in medvedi varovali drobnico.
Vojaške intervencije niso v našem imenu, sodelovanje v zvezi Nato ni v našem imenu in vojska ni v našem interesu! Odgovornost za situacijo pripisujemo vsem, ki na takšen ali drugačen način sodelujejo pri kreiranju državne politike in s tem legitimizirajo njeno početje. Ne glede na barvo vaše stranke, vas spoznavamo za krive!
Obenem pozivamo vse, da se pridružijo mednarodni mobilizaciji proti vojni v Iranu, ki se bo zgodila v soboto, 25. januarja, ob 12h, v parku Zvezda, da skupaj pokažemo našo neomajno odločnost proti militarizmu in vojnam.
Ljubljana, 21.1. 2019
From the occupation of Metelkova, through campaigns against joining NATO and invasion of Iraq, to Rojava and Iran
Again we are faced with yet another case of warmongering, this time concerning Iran. What is happening here is not a new war, it is just that a military dimension that is inherent to the continuous politics of extractivism conducted by the countries of the so called West is again and briefly become visible for everyone to see. Latest developments take place in the context of what is effectively an already decades-long engagement of the so called West in a combination of more or less successful regime-change operations, fueling and instrumentalization of hatred and direct military invasions whose main outcome is a continuously unstable Middle East, in which concurrent civil wars have become a permanent fixture. New instability contributes to the conditions in which colonial exploitation of natural resources is continuously possible: in the Middle East oil and natural gas, in Bolivia lithium, in Congo cobalt (among many) and in many other places there are yet other resources to extract.
Also Slovenian elite aims to take part in the efforts to maintain and reproduce the colonial domination. As an obedient servant it sends Slovenian military to participate in military operations abroad, while - always eagerly seeking public legitimacy - defining them as humanitarian operations. Though it is clear that a contribution of Slovenian state is even much more caricature-like than symbolic, we can see that its representatieves too are developing a growing taste for militaristic greed: in a post-invasion period a contingent of Slovenian military in Iraq consisted of 2 fully equipped soldiers. More than a decade later the number has risen to 6, of which all are presumably fully equipped, which represents an escalation of Slovenian military force in the region of several hundred percents! We also must not forget that there is an ongoing desire to establish a NATO military base in Slovenian port of Koper/Capodistria and to buy new military equipment. Incidentally, the latter would be totally useless for the so called 'homeland defense' purposes.
The totally avoidable involvement ofinterest of members of Slovenian military in the international predatory war campaigns was again highlighted recently, when even Iran remembered that it has to warn all 6 soldiers of Slovenian expeditionary forces in a military base in Erbil in Iraq that a symbolic rocket attack on their quarters is imminent. In the immediate aftermath Slovenian soldiers acted with inherent resolve: first in announcing their emergency evacuation, then in confirming that due to the stabilisation of the situation they are proudly staying put until they eventually declared that they had left. It is fair to stay that probably not even the German army, under whose command the Slovenian fighters - all 6 of them - were, did not manage to take note of their absence for some time after. The same pattern of servility to the higher interest of capitalist system pursued by NATO is being perpetuated by Slovenian elite ever since they declared the country to be an 'independent state'. It was this servility that was expressed through the purchase of Israeli weapons in the nineties and through the support for the dubious warmpongering statements in the form of Vilnius declaration by which Slovenia in 2003 joined the 'Coalition of the Willing.' The purpose of the latter was of course to add political legitimacy to the illegitimate invasion of Iraq, conducted under the leadership of United States of America, which in fact initiated the war that is still going on until today and forms an immediate context of the recent escalation.
When we declare ourselves to be against war in Iran we draw on the history of anti-militarism in Slovenia. It played an integral role in the occupation of ex-military barracks in Metelkova in 1990's and the success of the latter should be recognized partly as a testament to the strength of the former. In the period between 2002 and 2004 a strong anti-NATO and anti-war movement practically pushed both the governent and the parliamentary opposition of the time into the corner and forced a referendum on Slovenia's accession to NATO. It was also a part of global resistance against the invasion of Afganistan and Iraq.
Today we find ourselves deep into a new age of military conflicts, where in seemingly local conflicts global powers fight each other on a terrain, which they share also with para-state formations with direct relations with corporate interests. At the same time global superpowers use different forms of economic sanctions and other economic means to destabilize the regimes that are not to their 'liking'. This leads to unbereable poverty, which fuels legitimate social uprisings, which in turn are then being used by the propaganda machine to legitimate military interventions, imposition of a new, 'likeable' government and the eventual inclusion in global market. The profit is at least triple: first to profit are the war hawk that sell weapons, sometimes to all sides in conflict; second are those who are in charge of renovation efforts, often financed through public debt; and then the new and cooperative governments are ready to subject the people and resources to capitalist interests.
Locally, these conflicts strengthen the authoritarian political structures, both in areas of conflict and in the countries that participate in them from afar. As the iron grip of the authoritarians over their own heavily repressed population - in Iran for example - is strengthened, in Europe as well the proponents of right-wing and extreme centrist politics benefit. When destabilization and radicalization of the populations by the globally hegemonic forces of NATO results in growing migration - often forced - the same hegemonic powers use this for their domestic political agendas by fueling hatred and intolerance which they thenchannel towards further militarization of the society on all levels. State-propaganda uses lies to impose - in our name of course - a discourse of 'necessary military interventions' abroad, while at the same time the consequences of these interventions are interpreted as a separate security issue that - again in the name of our own security - demands an increase in powers of both the military and the police. Razor-wire fence is then installed on the borders, which together with other measures directly causes many new deaths among those people that strive to create a new life far away from homes they were forced to leave. Many escaped death in the countries they were forced to leave only to be killed due to the acts of Slovenian state.
We demand an immediate withdrawal of all the soldiers of Slovenian military that are involved in operations in other countries. We also demand an immediate exit from NATO. Both Slovenian military and NATO do not have any legitimacy as it is clear that they do not represent any general interest, but solely the interest of representatives of capital. We propose that Slovenian military is restructured in some kind of a civil defense structure and stops its ongoing engagement that causes deaths around the world as well as at the border with Croatia. Current military personell should be retrained to for exampke become nurses, foresters, carers for homeless cats, fire(wo)men or shepherds that guard the sheep from the wolves and bears.
Military interventions are not in our name, participation in NATO alliance is not in our name and the military in not in our interest! Responsibility for militarist adventures lies with all that either directly take part in formation of state policies and agendas or offer legitimacy to them. No matter which is your party, we recognize you as guilty!
We call on all to join the international mobilization against the war against on Saturday 25th January 2020. Let's get together to show our inherent resolve against militarism and all war!
Ljubljana, 20th January 2020