(eng below)

Že nekaj časa opazujemo vse močnejše težnje po »retradicionalizaciji« družbe s krepitvijo »tradicije« patriarhalnega nasilja, tako preko sistemskih ukrepov na ravni države Slovenije kot tudi širše na ravni Trdnjave Evrope. Aktualno iz arhivskih škatel potegnjeno agendo o naborniški vojski tako razumemo kot del ksenofobnih teženj, ki prav tako igrajo na strune mačizacije in patriarhalizacije družbe.
Širjenje vojaške sfere - naj gre pri tem za naborništvo, podeljevanje dodatnih pooblastil vojski, njeno večjo prisotnost ali dodatno in izdatno financiranje za nakup žice, varnostnih kamer in druge vojaške tehnologije - razumemo kot krepljenje agresivnega diskurza, ki je obrnjen proti ljudstvu in javnemu interesu ne glede na to, proti komu ali za kaj se te ukrepe uvaja in izvaja. Desne ksenofobne politike za argumentacijo prej naštetih aktualnih manevrov za širjenje vojaške sfere zelo rade izrabljajo naša telesa, češ da nas morajo pred kom ali čim ubraniti.

Nasprotujemo takemu rasističnemu posiljevanju naših teles!

Naša telesa niso objekti za razplod nacionalističnih, ksenofobnih in rasističnih paradigem. Zavračamo spektakel »migrantske grožnje« in naših teles kot vzvoda, preko katerega se opravičuje agresijo nad ljudmi na poti. Nasilje, ki ga zares občutimo, je nasilje lokalnih šefov in domačih testosteronskih prenapetežev.

Nihče se v našem imenu ne bo odločal, kdaj smo ogrožene_i ali kdaj so ogrožene naše pravice!

Pravice, ki jih danes živimo, nam niso bile podarjene in nam jih ni podarila država ali kakšna nacionalistična struja. Izborile_i smo si jih zatirane_i. Še naprej se bomo borile_i zase in v svojem imenu, zato se bomo tudi same_i odločale_i, kdaj smo ogrožene_i in od koga. Naša tradicija je tradicija družbenih bojev, ki so protivojna, protikapitalistična, protipatriarhalna, protirasistična in protinacionalistična. V tem kontekstu nastopajo vsi poskusi legitimacije vojske, vojaške industrije in devastacije vojne kot njenega končnega produkta, diskurzivni teror, ki družbo viralno hujska v nacionalistični mačizem - temu ostro nasprotujemo! Fantazije bele nadvlade naj ostanejo vaše zasebno masturbiranje!

Migrantke_i niso varnostna grožnja, vojska je!

Uvedba naborniške vojske je poskus uvedbe še ene obvezne indoktrinacijske državne institucije, kjer manufakturno strojijo kožo človeka po meri morilskega vojaškega stroja. Vojaška vzgoja nasilno učvrščuje hierarhične odnose, slavi mačo kulturo in nacionalizem. Tovrstni vzorci se iz vojaških treningov in bojišč po pravilu prenašajo v domače odnose in druge sfere civilne družbe, kjer dominacija in nasilje postane še bolj samoumevna in zaželena filozofija ter praksa medsebojnih odnosov. Uvedbi naborništva tako nasprotujemo tudi v luči boja proti množični razširitvi nasilja v domačem in delovnem okolju ter na ulicah.
V sodobni prekarizirani družbi gotove negotovosti, kjer nas sistem vsakodnevno ubija na obroke z razlaščanjem, individualizacijo in marginalizacijo, gotovo ne nameravamo v njegovem imenu na vpoklic moriti ostale razlaščene in zatirane ter umreti za vsiljene ideale.
Ne slepomišimo ‑ naborništvo bi bilo zares predvsem dober posel za vojno industrijo, ki pa zagotovo ni v interesu ljudstva.
Za vas in vaše interese si ne bomo mazale_i naših rok s krvjo!
Prav tako vnaprej zavračamo naborniški diskurz, ki bi šel v smer enakopravne mobilizacije žensk v vojaško sfero.

Enakopravnost per se zavračamo, saj nas enakopravnost v zatiranju ne zanima!

Tradicija kolektivnega in individualnega dezerterstva je edina gesta enakosti v uporu, ki nas v kontekstu vojske sploh zanima.

Ne bomo rojevale_i, živele_i in umirale_i ne za državo ne za Trdnjavo Evropo in ne za NATO!

Afkors - Avtonomna tovarna Rog
#antiwar #antimilitarism #feminism #openborders


Let's abolish the army!

For some time we are observing increasingly stronger tendencies towards “retraditionalization” of society with strengthening the “tradition” of patriarchal violence through systemic measures on the level of Slovenian state and on a wider scale of Fortress Europe. We understand the current agenda pulled out of the archive for conscription as a part of xenophobic tendencies that play on machoization and patriarchisation of society.
We understand the spread of the military sphere – let this be conscription, giving additional authorizations to the army, their growing presence or the additional and substantial finances for the razor wire, security cameras and other military technology – as strengthening of the aggressive discourse turned against the people and public interests no matter against whom or for what these measures are introduced and performed. Right wing xenophobic politics love to abuse our bodies, stating our bodies need protection from someone or something, as an argument for before mentioned current manoeuvres for spreading of military sphere.

We are against this racist raping of our bodies!

Our bodies are not objects for reproduction of nationalist, xenophobic and racist paradigms. We reject the spectacle of a “migrant threat” and usage of our bodies as a lever through which they justify their aggression towards people on the way. Violence that we are really experiencing is the violence of local bosses and domestic testosterone overly potent jerks.

Nobody will decide in our name when we are threatened or when our rights are threatened!

The rights we live today were never given to us, not by the state or some nationalist. We the oppressed have won them through struggle. And we will continue to fight for ourselves and in our own name and therefore also decide by ourselves when we are threatened and by whom. Our tradition is a tradition of social struggles that were and remain anti-war, anti-capitalist, anti-patriarchal, anti-racist and anti-nationalist. In this context all attempts of legitimation of the army, military industry and devastation of war as its final product come forward as the discoursive terror that is hustling the society with nationalistic machistic virus – we are strongly opposing that!
Fantasies of white supremacy should stay your private masturbation!

Migrants are not a safety threat – the army is!

The introduction of conscription is an attempt of introducing yet another compulsory indoctrinating state institution where they manifaxcturely tan the human skin to suit the murderous war machine. Military upbringing violently strengthens hierarchical relations and praises macho culture and nationalism. These patterns are transported as a rule from army trainings and battle grounds into domestic relations and other spheres of civil society where domination and violence become even more taken for granted and a desired philosophy and praxis of interpersonal relationships. We oppose the introduction of conscription also in the light of struggle against mass expansion of violence in domestic and work environment as well as on the streets.
In contemporary precarious society of certain uncertainness where we are slowly killed by the system on an everyday basis by expropriation, individualization and marginalization, we most certainly don’t intend to kill other expropriated and oppressed and die for imposed ideals through draft and in the name of the system.

Let’s not fool ourselves – conscription would really and mainly be a good business for military industry that most certainly isn’t in the interest of people.

We will not have blood on our hands for you and your interests!

We also reject in advance the conscription discourse that would go in direction of equal mobilization of women into army sphere.
We reject equality per se as we are not interested in equality under oppression!

Tradition of collective and individual desertion is the only gesture of equality in rebellion that we are interested in the context of the army.

We will not give birth, live and die – not for the state not for the Fortress Europe and not for NATO!

Afkors – Autonomous factory Rog

#antiwar #antimilitarism #feminism #openborders

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