klic k solidarnosti - zbiranje prispevkov za kritje kazni

8. marca smo se odločile izrazit gnus in jezo nad sistemom pod diktirko katerega živimo in bolestno družbo povezano z njim. pod anarha-femi-queer simbolom smo organizirale demonstracijo po mestu, na kateri smo na različnih krajih puščale transparente. obiskale smo poljsko, ameriško in rusko ambasado, shod pa zaključile pred univerzo v ljubljani. že pred začetkom demonstracije nam je policija s potiskanjem in blokadami skušala onemogočiti vstop na ulice. pospremljene z vulgarnimi komentarji “če boste pridne punce in  boste ubogale naše ukaze, se vam nič ne bo zgodilo” in agresivnimi grožnjami policistov “a
bi rade bile pretepene?”, smo vseeno nadaljevale predvideno pot. Tarča policijske paranoje in pokroviteljskega odnosa, ki se je manifestiral v obliki grobih prijemov in zmedenih pogledov brez obrazložitve, so bile deležne tudi nič hudega sluteče starejše mimoidoče. situacija je dokončno eskalirala na čopovi ulici, ko se je naenkrat število policajev izenačilo, če ne celo podvojilo s številom udeleženk shoda. člani policijske enote, ki so bili opravljeni v polno bojno opremo so dejali "ve ste te, ki zganjate nasilje, ne mi." policaji so zaradi uporabe roza dimne palice blokirali roza-črn blok, ob tem pa so specialci, oblečeni v riot gear, napadli ljudi v bloku. med napadom so dvema tovarišicama zagrozili z aretacijo in ju oglobili zaradi domnevne uporabe pirotehnike in neupoštevanja ukazov. poleg tega so bile_i pred rusko ambasado 4 druge_i tovarišice_i oglobljene_i zaradi neupoštevanja cestno prometnih predpisov, kasneje pa v spremstvu osmih robokopov pospremljene_i nazaj do protesta. po razpadu bloka na čopovi ulici je policijsko nasilje dokončno eskaliralo - policisti so s pendreki pretepali udeleženke_ce in razpirali teleskopke. eden izmed policistov je iz rok ene izmed tovarišic celo izpulil črno-vijolično zastavo, palico prelomil na kolenu in z razlomljenima deloma začel opletati po udeleženkah_cih shoda. nenazadnje, smo samo še enkrat ponovno doživele policijsko nasilje in vulgaren ter paternalističen odnos, ki smo ga kot anarhistke na ulicah na žalost že kako vajene.

call for solidarity: ker smo shod organizirale srednješolke in prekarno zaposlene "mlade odrasle" je za nas dosti bolj kot udarec pendreka in metanje po tleh ter potiskanje ob steno nasilno ekonomsko nasilje kazni za naš obstoj na ulici. zato prosimo za podporo pri plačevanju vseh, tudi najbolj banalnih cpp kazni, ki so se ponovno zvrstile, ko smo svoj obstoj manifestirale na ulici. če lahko, prosim donirajte preko paypala @sestre (paypal.me/sestre)

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call for solidarity - raising funds to pay fines

on the 8th of march we decided to express our disgust about what is currently going on in this fucked up system we are living in and the sick society connected to it. under the anarcha-femi-queer sign we organized a small demo, leaving banners around the city. we stopped in front of the polish, american and russian embassy and finished in front of the university of ljubljana. even before the start of the demo, the police tried to stop us from entering the streets, pushing and blocking us. despite getting into arguments and tiny confrontations we continued our route accompanied by vulgar and aggressive threats from the police officers. “if you’re going to be good girls” and “if you don’t want to get beaten up you have to do …”. All the way even the passersby, civilian older women were exposed to the paranoia and patronizing attitude manifested in physical violence of the cops walking besides us – rough touching and after that weird looks, no explanations. the situation escalated on a pedestrian street in the center, where they blocked the pink-and-black blocc and attacked with special force police dressed in riot gear – they threatened to arrest 2 comrades. they got fined for pyro smokers and disobeying orders, while another 4 comrades were fined under traffic laws for standing on the road and were later accompanied with 8 robocops back to the protest. after they broke the blocc they started hitting people with clubs, they flashed telescope sticks and one of the police officers even pulled the anarha-femi flag from the comrades hands, broke the stick in half and started waving and hitting the people around him with it. all in all, what we experienced once more on the streets of ljubljana is the vulgar and fatherly strict kind of repression the police uses when confronting female anarchists.

call for solidarity: this demo was called upon by students and young precarious workers and for us the more violent form of punishment than being hit with clubs, thrown on the ground and pushed against the wall is the economic violence of the fines we got. for us it is important to cover these costs together and in that way encourage and empower our existence on the streets. that is why we are asking for support with paying all of the fines, even the more banal traffic ones. if you can please donate through paypal @seste (paypal.me/sestre)


namesto rož, smrt patriarhata - naj bo feminizem spet grožnja!

naj bo feminizem spet grožnja – nočemo feminizma, ki se zadovolji z
rožami enkrat na leto, ki verjame v razbite steklene stropove, če je na
mesto moči (s katerega bo zdaj uporabljala iste opresivne prijeme nad
drugimi ženskami) prišla ženska – ne želimo direktoric, predsednic,
generalk vojske in policije – teleskopka in puška ranita enako tudi, ko
ju drži ženska. ne verjamemo, da je naša pot do osvoboditve mogoča preko
predstavnic, ki skrbijo za “naše dobro” – osvoboditev si bomo izborile
same. prav tako ne zaupamo v nobene državne organe, ki naj bi nam
zagotavljali varnost, saj so točno ti tisti, ki nas opresirajo – varnost
lahko nudimo le druga drugi. Verjamemo, da bo patriarhat premagan šele,
ko bodo premagane vse oblike izkoriščanja, dominacije in zatiranja – naš
boj ni boj za pozicijo moči, ampak proti vsem pozicijam moči.

s protestom 8. marca želimo izraziti solidarnost - s sestrami na
poljskem, katerim je še vedno onemogočena (in vedno bolj napadena)
pravica do avtonomije odločanja o lastnem telesu, z brati in sestrami v
ukrajini in rusiji, ki so v preteklem tednu postali žrtve
imperialističnega režima in vojaškega nasilja, z brati in sestrami v
ameriki, katerih telesa so tarče sistemske transfobije. solidarnost
izražamo z vsemi izkoriščanimi in zatiranimi na podlagi spolov ter
opozarjamo - nobena ni svobodna, dokler nismo svobodne vse.

zakaj ločen protest? ker želimo drugače nasloviti svoj boj. hkrati ne
pristajamo na vsiljeno tekmovalnost, saj jo razumemo kot patriarhalni
mehanizem ločevanja žensk, naš boj je namreč skupen, njegove poti pa
različne. zato ne pozivamo le na oba protesta, ampak k raznoterim
oblikam nasprotovanja patriarhalnemu zatiranju, ne le ob 8. marcu,
temveč vsak dan - naj živi sesterstvo!

tako v ljubljani, kot po svetu, smrt patriarhatu, stop nasilju!

instead of flowers, death to patriarchy - make feminism a threat again

make feminism a threat again - we don't want feminism that satisfies
itself with receiving flowers once a year, that believes in broken glass
ceilings, if the position of power (from which she will now use the same
opressive methods on other women) belonged to a woman - we do not want
female directors, presidents, military, and police generals - a
telescope stick and a gun hurt in the same way when used by a woman. we
do not believe that our journey to liberation is possible through female
presidents, who who speak in our name for "our own good" - we will claim
our liberation on our own. we do not trust in any kind of state
authority, because those are the ones that oppress us- we can only offer
safety to one another. We believe that patriarchy will be defeated when
all forms of exploitation, domination and
opression will be ended- our battle is not a battle for a position of
power, but against all positions of power.

with the protest on the 8th of march we want to express solidarity with
our sisters in poland, whose right of autonomy over their own bodies was
taken away, with our brothers and sisters in ukraine and russia, who
became victims of imperialistic regime and brutal millitary violence in
the last week, with
our brothers and sisters in america, whose bodies are targets of
systemic transphobia. we express solidarity with everyone who is being
oppressed because of their gender, and we emphasise - neither of us is
free until we all are free.

why a seperate protest? because we want to address our struggle
differently. at the same time, we don't agree with forced
competitiveness, because we understand it as a patriarchy mechanism of
segregating of women, when our goal is actually the same, the only thing
that differs is our journey to reach it. so we are not only calling to
join both protests, but also to numerous other forms of opposing the
patriarchy, not only on the 8th of march, but every day - long live

in ljubljana as well as everywhere else - death to pariarchy - stop the

kot sestre (kolektivi in entitete priključene protestu
namesto rož, smrt patriarhata - naj bo feminizem spet grožnja)

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