Živel ROG // Long live ROG
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal Mladinska Aktivistična Organizacija
- Kategorija: Protesti
- Objavljeno 21 Avgust 2021
(eng below)
VIDEO: Živel ROG // Long live ROG
Mineva sedem mesecev od nasilne evikcije Avtonomne tovarne Rog. Medtem ko župan Zoran Janković na široko odpira mestna vrata interesom kapitala in medtem ko se na vsakem vogalu gradijo nove luksuzne vile, je mestna oblast porušila največjo avtonomno cono v državi, na njenem mestu pa sedaj gradi objekt za elitne umetnike, komercialne namene in NVO-je, ki so blizu pokvarjeni kapitalistični mestni oblasti. Namen prostorov definitivno ne bo gradnja skupnosti ali razvijanje alternativne umetnosti. Namen prostorov bo privabljanje turistov in gradnja poslušne “civilne družbe”, ki si ne bo upala kritizirati ne-legitimne mestne oblasti.
Medtem ko se v naši razredni družbi vedno bolj kažejo protislovja kapitalizma, narašča potreba po avtonomnih prostorih, kjer lahko skupnost preizkuša in raziskuje alternativne politične prakse in kjer ni potreben kup birokracije za pripravo umetniške razstave. Mladi potrebujemo avtonomne skupnostne prostore, kjer nismo nadzorovani 24/7 in kjer nam ne vsiljujejo družbenih norm.
Za avtonomne prostore! Smrt gentrifikaciji!
Kolektiv MAO, Ljubljana 2021
Seven months have passed since the violent eviction of the Autonomous Factory Rog . While mayor Zoran Janković is opening the city gates wide to the interests of capital and while new luxury villas are being built on every corner, the city government has demolished the largest autonomous zone in the country and is now building a facility for elite artists, commercial and NGOs. is close to the corrupt capitalist city government. The purpose of the spaces will definitely not be to build community or develop alternative art. The purpose of the premises will be to attract tourists and build an obedient “civil society” that will not dare to criticize the non-legitimate city authorities.
While the contradictions of capitalism are increasingly apparent in our class society, there is a growing need for autonomous spaces where the community can test and explore alternative political practices and where no pile of bureaucracy is needed to prepare an art exhibition. Young people need autonomous community spaces where we are not controlled 24/7 and where social norms are not imposed on us.
For autonomous spaces! Death to gentrification!
MAO Collective, Ljubljana 2021