VIDEO: Solidarni z ljudstvom Afganistana // Solidarity with the people of Afghanistan 

(eng below)

Protest proti imperializmu, proti patriarhatu povsod po svetu, za dostop do azila za vse in varen prehod begunk_cev. Za sesutje Trdnjave Evrope.
NATO v smeti! Vaše vojne, naši mrtvi.
Solidarnost z ženskami v Afganistanu, za odprte meje, za revizijo azilnih postopkov, kjer je bila Afganistakam_cem odvzeta pravica do azila!
Ljubljana, 27.08.2021


Protest against imperialism, against patriarchy all over the world, for access to asylum for all and a safe passage for refugees. For the collapse of Fortress Europe.
NATO in the trash! Your wars, our dead.

Solidarity with women in Afghanistan, for open borders, for the revision of asylum procedures, where Afghans have been deprived of their right to asylum!
Ljubljana, August 27, 2021

Z uporabo strani soglašate z uporabo piškotkov. - Podrobnosti.