VIDEO: Festival Roza bager AT Rog: Mission Delirium

Dragi ljudje!

Prišel je čas, ko se nad Rogom spet zbirajo temni oblaki. S 1.6. je poteklo sodno varstvo in s tem tudi kratkočasna gotovost obstoja naše oaze v centru mesta. Kaj bo storil Zoki, ne vemo.
Spomnimo se, da smo pred tremi leti s skupnimi močmi obranili našo fabriko pred zahrbtnim nočnim napadom župana in njegove priVatne milice, da smo držali zasedbo, rogovilili po Rogu in Ljubljani, dali glasni NE občinskim načrtom preobrazbe in se postavili v bran potencialom, ki jih nudijo avtonomni prostori. Verjeli smo, da lahko v Rogu ustvarjamo nove načine bivanja, ustvarjanja in delovanja, da lahko pokažemo alternative razpisnim in tržnim logikam, da lahko prevlada svobodna misel nad birokratskim enoumjem. Nam je uspelo?
Od leta 2016 se je marsikaj spremenilo. Zaprli so Argo, zaprli so Inde, zaprli so Sokolca. Avtonomni prostori v Sloveniji in Evropi se vztrajno praznijo, na njihovih mestih pa se pojavljajo zglancane fasade, ki skrivajo manjko domišljije.
Kljub temu pa se pri nas še zmeraj skejta, še zmeraj se pleše in ziblje glave ob dobri glasbi, razmišlja in razglablja, ustvarja umetnine, trenira, performira, bere poezijo. Še zmeraj se nudi pomoč tistim, ki jo najbolj potrebujejo! Še vedno se eksperimentira z drugačnimi oblikami skupnosti in soupravljanja.
Eden glavnih očitkov Tovarni Rog je postopno zapiranje, izključevanje in privatizacija. A to je le ena plat zgodbe. Finančni pritisk in prekerni pogoji delovanja botrujejo izgorelostim, napakam, konfliktom in razhodom. A to ne uničuje Roga. Rog je še zmeraj, sedaj, prazen prenapihnjenih egov, še toliko bolj kot mnogokrat poprej, odprt prostor možnosti. Možnosti, da se tudi širša skupnost vključi v sodoločanje prihodnosti Roga (in Ljubljane) - smo se res zadovoljili s sterilnim Centrom?
Marsikaj se spreminja, marsikaj je začasno, ali v naši prihodnosti ni konca te zgdobe, mi se ne damo, ker verjamemo, da morajo taki prostori stati - inu obstati!

Zato pridi tudi ti, prispevaj, sodeluj, jej, spi, pleši, poj, razmišljaj, govori in sodoločaj prihodnost Roga!

II Še zmeraj se zbirajo prispevki za kritje sodnih stroškov II

PROGRAM festivala ROZA BAGER najdete na


----->International Call to the Defense Camp and Festival of the Autonomous Factory Rog <-----

Factory Rog is an autonomous space in the centre of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Squatted in 2006, it has provided space for a variety of initiatives, collectives, ateliers, events and happening ranging from activism, lectures, concerts, sport activities, circus, performative arts, etc. In 2016 the city municipality of Ljubljana decided to try evicting the occupants of the Factory, on the basis of their vision of an artistic-design space meant to make the city center more attractive for investors. For the last 3 years some of the users of Rog have been involved in court proceedings, amassing a sizable amount of court fines, a large chunk still unpaid.

The three year long court proceedings also prevented the municipality to legally empty the buildings of Factory Rog. Now, with the last of the cases settled, the court order forbidding the municipality from encroaching onto the territory loses its validity on 1st of June and we are still unsure of what exactly could happen. On one hand our response is trying to establish a dialogue with the municipality that could lead to acceptable solutions for the future of the Factory. On the other hand, past experiences and recent moves of the municipality suggest the repetition of the 2016 scenario. Therefore, until this dialogue happens, and especially if it doesn’t, we need a stable, continuous presence of supporters, ready to stand up to any repeated attempts of eviction.

We are inviting all people that care for and believe in the value of autonomous spaces to join us in the Defensive Camp and Festival, starting on the 31st on May! There will be barricades, music, workshops & skillsharing, and a range of other activities. You are welcome to contribute to the programme. Come help us defend Rog and save an important bulwark of DIY counterculture and grassroots opposition to gentrification and the hegemony of capitalism!

For accommodation purposes inform us when and for how long you intend to arrive, how many people you are, and if you need a space in the dormitories or if you have tents. Write us also about your contributions to the program."

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