- Podrobnosti
- Napisal fckborders ljubljana
- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 12 Februar 2023

v kontekstu globalnega dneva boja proti smrtonosnim mejnim režimom (missingattheborders.org/en/news/2022/6-febbraio-2023-migrare-e-un-diritto) smo na "kulturni dan" v ljubljani izpeljalx intervencijo pred italijanskim konzulatom. namen je bil znova opozoriti na razčlovečujoče prakse, ki jih v imenu "upravljanja z migracijami" izvajajo posamične države in evropska unija. tokratna intervencija se je osredotočila na odgovornost italijanske države, saj je ta pogosto prva v regionalni liniji verižnih vračanj ljudi, ki temeljijo na neustavnih dogovorih med državami evropske unije. osvetlila pa je tudi nekatere ostale prakse, ki so se v preteklih tednih uveljavile v regiji, med njimi vse večjo prisotnost policistov na slovenskih cestah, ki zaradi vstopa hrvaške v šengensko območje izvršujejo "izravnalne ukrepe". na drugi strani avstrija na meji s slovenijo podaljšuje izredni nadzor, uveden leta 2015, četudi je sodišče eu že lani sporočilo, da država članica šengenskega območja ne sme prekoračiti trajanja šestih mesecev nadzora notranjih meja. na meji s slovaško avstrija "fizični mejni nadzor" sicer odstranjuje, vendar ga, v koordinaciji s slovaško, nadomešča z nadzorovanjem mejnega območja z mobilnimi patruljami in brezpilotnimi letali.
tudi meja med slovenijo in hrvaško ostaja. kljub vstopu hrvaške v šengensko območje in ukinitvi carinskih kontrol, se te niso zares ukinile. kontrole so se le premaknile in so zdaj prisotne na cestah znotraj slovenije in na javnem prevozu. kljub predvolilnim obljubam koalicijskih strank ostaja tudi fizična meja v obliki ograje - ta bo po vsej verjetnosti sicer odstranjena, v izvajanju nadzora pa jo bodo
nadomestile bolj subtilne, tehnološke rešitve. iregularni prehodi iz hrvaške v slovenijo tako še vedno ostajajo zahtevni in negotovi ter v preveč primerih tudi smrtonosni. po poročanju medijev je samo na območju kopra v zadnjih štirih letih na poti umrlo 7 ljudi. seveda smatramo, da je nezabeleženih primerov lahko še mnogo več.
preteklo soboto se je pod geslom "grenzen töten" oziroma "meje ubijajo" v innsbrucku v avstriji odvil protest proti morilskim mejnim režimom. Ti so lani terjali številna človeška življenja, morija pa se nezadržno nadaljuje tudi letos. v politiki zapiranja aktivno sodeluje tudi avstrijska država, ki ljudi na poti namešča v nesprejemljivih pogojih ter jim krati mnoge pravice. odgovornost, da avstrija ostaja rasistična država, je tako na strani desnih strank, ki perpetuirajo izključevalni diskurz in grozijo z zaostrovanjem migracijske politike, kot tudi na strani liberalcev, ki obljubljajo spremembe, do katerih nikoli ne pride. demonstracija se je zato najprej ustavila na sedežu skrajno desne svobodnjaške stranke FPÖ, katera ostaja v našem spominu tudi zaradi politik jörga haiderja. nato je obiskala socialne demokrate SPÖ, ki so za nameščanje prosilcev za azil obljubljali uporabo praznih stanovanj na tirolskem. obljube seveda niso izpolnili. dve leti nazaj je na tejisti demonstraciji prišlo do velike mere policijske represije, ki se je manifestirala v več kot 120 začasnih pridržanjih in skoraj 20 aretacijah posameznix, ki so se protesta udeležilx in ob interakciji s policijo bodisi zavrnilx identifikacijo ali kako drugače "kazilx javno blaginjo". na letošnjem (in tudi lanskem) protestu se represija sicer ni stopnjevala ali ponovila. je pa ta kolektivna izkušnja za seboj pustila potrebo po tem, da skupnost naredi proteste bolj varne za ljudi, ki se jih udeležujejo. to se trenutno kaže v dobrih praksah komuniciranja pred in med demonstracijo, oblikah pravne podpore, enotno vizualno podobo in skrbstvenim delom opravljenim znotraj bloka. vsekakor pa razvoju varnejšega organiziranja sledi tudi razvoj metod represivnih organov, ki so protest letos spremljali z droni in go-pro kamerami na palicah, dvignjenih nad transparente. na ulice innsbrucka se je proti mejnim režimom podalo okoli 600 ljudi, med njimi tudi ekipa iz ljubljane.
migracije so po ponovnem povečanju števila prehodov evropskih meja spet na vrhu dnevnega reda zasedanj eu. avstrijska vlada je skupaj s še sedmimi vladami evropskih držav (danska, latvija, litva, estonija, slovaška, grčija in malta) na evropsko komisijo in evropski svet naslovila pismo z zahtevami po radikalni reformi azilnega sistema bloka in strožjem omejevanju tako imenovanih "nezakonitih migracij". predsednica evropske komisije ursula von der leyen se je podobnih točk dotaknila že 26. januarja, v pismu, ki ga je poslala državam članicam. V njem se je osredotočila na boj proti tihotapcem migrantov s povečanim vračanjem migrantov, sporazumi z "državami tretjega sveta" in pospešitvijo pogajanj o "paktu eu o migracijah in azilu". v pismu osmih podpisanih vlad evropskih držav se poziva k strožjemu in "učinkovitejšem nadzoru meja", močnejši politiki "repatriacij" (beri: deportacij) in sporazumom z "državami tretjega sveta". opozarjajo, da dosedanje "pomankanje vračanj" deluje kot "privlačni dejavnik" za t.i. nezakonite migracije. nekatere države članice predlagajo gradnjo mejnih ograj s sredstvi eu - države kot je recimo avstrija in ostale posamezne konservativne skupine v evropskem parlamentu se odločno zavzemajo za
takšno odločitev. avstrijski kancler karl nehammer pa predlaga najmanj 2 miljardi podpore bolgariji, da bi med drugim nadgradila že obstoječo dvojno ograjo na meji s turčijo. nehammer poudarja, da če se stališče do migracij ne poostri, avstrija ne bo mogla podpreti končne izjave vrha eu. avstrija je bila, s svojim nedavnim vetom proti pristopu bolgarije in romunije k brezvizumskemu schengenskemu območju, te mesece ena od glavnih gonilnih sil vrha evropskega sveta in je na srečanju notranjih ministrov eu v stockholmu prav tako pozvala k ostrejši politiki glede migracij.
slovenija je očitno že sprejela predloge o pospešenem vračanju. ta teden smo lahko spremljali zgodbo dveh prosilcev za azil iz postojnskega centra za (odstranjevanje) tujce(v). 24.januarja ju je slovenska policija deportirala v pakistan, česar pa ne bi smela storiti, saj sta bili osebi v azilnem postopku. s sodišča poročajo, da je bil z eno izmed oseb izveden razgovor "v zadevi odstranitve tujca iz države", kljub temu, da je tujec pet dni pred tem podal prvi zahtevek za uvedbo ponovnega postopka za mednarodno zaščito in je zanj torej še vedno veljal zakon o mednarodni zaščiti. prav tako je bil na razgovoru prisoten tolmač, ki je prevajal v urdu jezik, čeprav prosilec za azil govori drug jezik - pandžabi. (več v prispevku:
evropska policijska enota frontex poleg večanja števila svojih vrst "častnikov stalnega korpusa" (v preteklih mesecih se jih je v španiji in na portugalskem izurilo še dodatnih 323, do leta 2027 pričakujejo imeti 10 tisoč stalnih policistov, zaenkrat jih je približno 2000) stalno buri novice z nadaljnimi preiskavami v njihovo kršenje človekovih pravic, tako na kopnem kot v pomorskem delovanju. zloglasni prejšnji direktor fabrice leggeri je zato lani aprila po preiskavi eu anti-korupcijskega
watchdoga OLAF že odstopil od svoje pozicije. preiskava, ki je bila objavljena oktobra lani, je razkrila, da so nadzorniki frontexa med leti 2020 in 2021 množično prikrivali nezakonite push-backe - vsaj šest jih je bilo izvedenih s strani grške obalne straže, sofinanciral jo je frontex. danes, pod novo direktorico aijo kalnaja, ki sicer trdi, da so takšne kršitve "prakse preteklosti" pa ponovno beremo o sodelovanju pri nelegalnih push-backih v albaniji, na meji med grčijo in turčijo ter o sumljivem sodelovanju frontexovih dronskih in letalskih nadzorov na malti. po poročanjih so libijske oblasti, z libijsko obalno stražo, od leta 2021 na morju ujele več kot 32 tisoč ljudi in jih prisilno vrnile v državo, pri čemer bi naj bila vsaj tretjina teh prestrezanj opravljena na podlagi obveščevalnih podatkov frontexa. frontex libijski obalni straži omogoča lov na čolne z begunci, čeprav ve, da bodo prosilci za azil ob prisilnem vračanju v libijo izpostavljeni sistematični zlorabi in nasilju. agenciji human rights watch in border forensics zato poudarjata, da je frontex soudeležen pri zlorabah in nasilju, ki jih bodo izvajale libijske oblasti. poudarjajo, da frontex ni namenjen "reševanju ljudi v stiskah, temveč preprečevanju, da bi prišli na ozemlje eu," očitno tudi za ceno človeških življenj.
morilski stroj trdnjave evrope je v sloveniji in v širši regiji še vedno dobro naoljen in v polnem pogonu. protesti in organiziranje zoper njega ostajajo nujni del sleherne antiavtoritarne politike. zato pozivamo k organizaciji, tako solidarnostne pomoči ljudem na poti, kot tudi izrazov solidarnosti na način opozarjanja na nečloveškost mejnih režimov s protesti, intervencijami in izjavami. z nami lahko stopite v stik preko maila: fckborders_lj(at)riseup.net.
svoboda gibanja za vse!
nihče ni nelegalen!
vaše politične igre terjajo naše mrtve - dovolj krvavih mej, dovolj
avtokratov s krvavimi rokami!
porušimo trdnjavo evropo!
ukinimo frontex!
fckborders ljubljana
in the context of the global day against deadly border regimes
we carried out an intervention in front of the italian consulate on the
"day of culture" in ljubljana. the aim was to draw attention once again
to the dehumanising practices carried out by individual countries and
the european union in the name of "migration management". this time, the
intervention focused on the responsibility of the italian state, as it
is often the first in a regional line of chain returns based on
unconstitutional agreements between european union countries. it has
also highlighted some of the other practices that have taken place in
the region in recent weeks, including the increasing presence of police
officers on slovenian roads to enforce "levelling measures" in the light
of croatia's entry into the schengen area. on the other hand, austria is
extending the exceptional controls introduced in 2015 at the border with
slovenia, even though the eu court had already announced last year that
a schengen member state should not exceed the six months of internal
border controls. austria is removing "physical border controls" at the
border with slovakia, but is replacing them, in coordination with
slovakia, with mobile patrols and drone surveillance of the border area.
the border between slovenia and croatia also remains. despite croatia's
entry into the schengen zone and the abolition of customs controls,
these have not really been abolished. the controls have only been moved
and are now present on roads within slovenia and on public transport.
despite the pre-election promises of the coalition parties, the physical
border in the form of a fence also remains - although it will most
likely be removed and be replaced by more subtle technological
solutions. irregular crossings from croatia to slovenia remain difficult
and uncertain untill this day and are, in too many cases, deadly.
according to media reports, in the last four years, 7 people have died
on the way in the koper area alone. however, we believe that there may
be many more unrecorded cases.
last saturday, a protest against the murderous border regimes under the
slogan "grenzen töten" or "borders kill" took place in innsbruck,
austria. last year, border regimes cost many lives and the murderousness
continues unabated this year. the austrian state is actively
participating in the policies of closing the borders, placing people in
unacceptable conditions and denying them many of their rights along the
way. the responsibility for austria remaining a racist country lies both
with the right-wing political parties, which perpetuate an exclusionary
discourse and threaten to tighten up migration policies, and with the
liberals, who promise changes that never materialise. the demonstration
therefore first stopped at the headquarters of the far-right freedom
party, the FPÖ, which lingers in our memory in part due to the policies
of jörg haider. it then visited the social democrats, the SPÖ, who
promised to use empty flats in tyrol to accommodate asylum seekers. of
course, they did not keep their promise. two years ago, this same
demonstration was the subject of a severe police repression, which
manifested itself in more than 120 temporary detentions and almost 20
arrests of individuals who attended the protest and, when interacting
with the police, either refused to identify themselves or otherwise
'disrupted the public welfare'. this year's (and last year's) protest
did not see an escalation or repetition of such repression. however,
this collective experience has left behind the need for the community to
make protests safer for the people who attend them. this is currently
visible in good communication processes before and during the
demonstration, forms of legal support, a unified visual appearance and
care work performed within the block. the development of safer
organising is clearly being followed by the development of the methods
of the authorities of repression, who this year monitored the protest
with drones and go-pro cameras on sticks that were raised above the
banners. around 600 people, including a team from ljubljana, overtook
the streets of innsbruck to protest against the border regimes.
migration is back at the top of the agenda at eu meetings after a
renewed increase in the number of crossings of european borders.
austrian government, together with seven other european governments
(denmark, latvia, lithuania, estonia, slovakia, greece and malta), sent
a letter to the european commission and the european council, demanding
a radical reform of the bloc's asylum system and tighter restrictions on
so-called "illegal migration". ursula von der leyen, president of the
european commission, already touched on similar points in a letter she
sent to the member states on 26 january. the letter focused on fighting
migrant smugglers through increased returns, agreements with "third
world countries" and speeding up the negotiations on the "eu pact on
migration and asylum".
the letter from the eight signed european governments calls for stricter
and "more effective border controls", a stronger "repatriation" policy
(read: deportation) and agreements with "third world countries". they
point out that the current "lack of returns" acts as a "pull factor" for
migrants. they also call for "more effective border controls", "more
effective border controls", a stronger "repatriation" policy and
agreements with "third world countries". they point out that the current
"lack of returns" acts as a "pull factor" for migrants. some member
states are proposing to build border fences with eu funds - countries
such as austria and other individual conservative groups in the european
parliament are strongly in favour of such a decision. austrian
chancellor karl nehammer proposes at least 2 billion in support for
bulgaria to, among other things, upgrade the existing double fence on
the border with turkey. nehammer points out that unless the stance on
migration is toughened, austria will not be able to support the final
declaration of the eu summit. with its recent veto against the entry of
bulgaria and romania into the visa-free schengen zone, austria was one
of the main driving forces at the european council summit this month and
also called for a tougher policy on migration at the meeting of eu
interior ministers in stockholm.
slovenia appears to have already accepted proposals on accelerated
returns. this week we have seen the story of two asylum seekers from the
postojna centre for (removal of) foreigners. on 24 january, the
slovenian police deported them to pakistan, which they should not have
done as they were persons undergoing asylum procedures. the court
reports that one of the persons was interviewed "in the matter of
removing the foreigner from the country", despite the fact that the
foreigner had five days earlier submitted a first application for the
reopening of the international protection procedure and was therefore
still subject to the international protection law. there was also an
interpreter present at the interview to translate into urdu, although
the asylum seeker speaks another language - punjabi. (more in the
the european police force frontex, in addition to increasing the number
of its ranks of "permanent corps officers" (323 more have been trained
in spain and portugal in recent months, and they expect to have 10
thousand permanent police officers by 2027, with around 2000 so far), is
constantly rocking the news with further investigations into their human
rights violations, both on land and in their maritime operations. the
infamous former director fabrice leggeri has therefore already resigned
last april from his position following an investigation by the eu's
anti-corruption watchdog OLAF. the investigation, published last
october, revealed that frontex supervisors had massively covered up
illegal push-backs between 2020 and 2021 - at least six of which were
carried out by the greek coastguard, which was co-funded by frontex.
today, under the new director, aija kalnaja, who claims that such
violations are "practices of the past", we read again about the
involvement in illegal push-backs in albania, on the greece-turkey
border and the suspicious involvement of frontex drone and aerial
surveillance in malta. the libyan authorities, with the libyan
coastguard, have reportedly intercepted more than 32 thousand people at
sea and forcibly returned them to their countries from the year 2021 on,
with at least a third of these interceptions reportedly being carried
out on the basis of frontex intelligence. frontex allows the libyan
coastguard to hunt refugee boats, even though it knows that asylum
seekers will be subjected to systematic abuse and violence if forcibly
returned to libya. human rights watch and border forensics therefore
stress that frontex is an accomplice in abuses and violence that will be
perpetrated by the libyan authorities. they stress that frontex is not
designed to "rescue people in need, but to prevent them from entering eu
territory", apparently even at the cost of human lives.
the killing machine of the european fortress is still well oiled and in
full swing in slovenia and the wider region. protesting and organising
against it remains a necessary part of any anti-authoritarian policy. we
therefore call for organising, both in solidarity with people on the
move, and in expressions of solidarity by drawing attention to the
inhumanity of border regimes through protests, interventions, and
statements. we can be contacted via email: fckborders_lj(at)riseup.net.
freedom of movement for all!
no one is illegal!
your political games are demanding our dead - enough bloody borders,
enough autocrats with bloody hands!
tear down fortress europe!
abolish frontex!
fckborders ljubljana