Vaše vojne, naši mrtvi!
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal Anarhistična pobuda Ljubljana; Črne mačke
- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 02 Marec 2022

Vaše vojne, naši mrtvi!
Kapitalizem poganja notranja logika nenehne ekspanzije in neskončne akumulacije kapitala, zaradi katere drvi iz ene uničevalne krize v drugo. Slednje nosijo različna imena, v zadnjem desetletju npr. ekonomska, migrantska, Covid-19, nanje pa se oblasti odzivajo zelo podobno: krepitev aparatov represije in nadzora, militarizacija, razčlovečenje, razpihovanje sovraštva med ljudmi, preganjanje družbene opozicije in uničenje človeških življenj. Sami oblastniki se dobro zavedajo dejstva, da ljudem znotraj obstoječega sistema ne morejo zagotoviti zdravja ali varnosti, kaj šele blaginje, zato se za ohranjanje lastne oblasti vse raje zatekajo h golemu nasilju in drugim avtoritarnim metodam.
Med vsemi krizami je vojna tista, ki v največji meri razčloveči in podreja življenja diktatu smrti in trpljenja. V vse bolj napetih razmerah kapitalistične tekmovalnosti na robovih močnih ekonomskih centrov in na s surovinami bogatih delih sveta vznikajo nove in nove vojne. Po Jugoslaviji, Afganistanu, Iraku, Siriji, Palestini in številnih drugih delih sveta se je vojna sedaj dokončno razplamtela tudi v Ukrajini.
Vojna v Ukrajini ni vojna med ljudmi, temveč med velikimi sistemi kapitalistične prevlade, ljudje v njej zgolj umirajo. Orožje, vojna industrija in vojaške zveze so problem, ne pa rešitev. Zato zavračamo oboroževanje in vse ostale oblike krepitve aparatov vojne. Naša solidarnost ne more biti z državami, njihovimi armadami in zastavami, ki sedaj merijo svoja uničevalna orožja v Ukrajini, niti ne z vojnimi dobičkarji, ki si že manejo roke zaradi novih vrtoglavih poslov. Naša brezmejna solidarnost velja vsem, ki trpijo posledice na vseh straneh frontnih črt. Solidarni smo z vsemi tistimi, ki povzdigujejo svoje glasove proti vojni in s tistimi, ki lastnih teles ne dajejo na razpolago vojnemu stroju ter prav zaradi svojega odpora tudi sami postajajo tarče represije. Tako kot mi, vojne niso želeli, je niso iskali, a so postali njeni ujetniki in ujetnice. Vsi čutimo njihovo bolečino, ki jo bomo še prekmalu morda spoznali povsem osebno tudi sami.
Vojna se ne bije le z bombami in tanki in ne le na teritoriju Ukrajine. Pomemben del vojne poteka v družbah, ki so navidezno varno odmaknjene od vojnih žarišč. Poteka v obliki proizvodnje orožja in in trgovine z njim, spodbujanja nacionalizma, propagande, represije, širjenja sovraštva, rasizma in selektivne obravnave žrtev vojne. Zavrnitev vojne pomeni zavrnitev vseh oblik, v katerih ta poteka.
V ozračju vojne je pomembno vzpostaviti prostore antiavtoritarnega odpora zoper vse tisto, kar jo omogoča in poganja. Za začetek to pomeni samoorganizirano izmenjavo informacij, stališč in organiziranje za nudenje praktične solidarnosti z vsemi, ki jo v teh težkih razmerah potrebujemo.
Zato se v torek 1. marca 2022 ob 17h pridružujemo shodu za mir v Ljubljani.
Zato v četrtek 3. marca 2022 ob 17h pozivamo na Odprto skupščino proti vojni v Menzo pri koritu na Metelkovi, na kateri bomo skupaj gradili možnost solidarnosti in odpora tudi v času vojne.
Proti imperializmu in vsem nacionalizmom!
Razredna solidarnost z ljudmi v Ukrajini, Belorusiji in Rusiji!
Odprimo meje za vse!
Ljubljana, 1. marec 2022
Anarhistična pobuda Ljubljana
Črne mačke
Capitalism is driven by the internal logic of ceaseless expansion and endless accumulation of capital. This drives capitalism from one destructive crisis to the next. In the last decade, the crisis has had different names, e.g. economic, migrant, Covid-19, but the reaction of the authorities to these crises is very similar: strengthening of the repressive and control apparatus, militarization, dehumanization, incitement to hatred among people, persecution of social opposition and destruction of human lives. The rulers themselves are aware that they cannot guarantee people with health or security, let alone prosperity, under the existing system. Therefore, they increasingly resort to sheer violence and other authoritarian methods to maintain their power.
Of all crises, war is the one that most dehumanizes life and subjects it to the dictates of death and suffering. In an increasingly tense situation of capitalist competition, new wars are breaking out on the edges of powerful economic centers and in resource-rich parts of the world. After Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine and many other parts of the world, war has now fully erupted in Ukraine.
The war in Ukraine is not a war between people, but a war between the great systems of capitalist domination. In it, only people are dying. Weapons, the war industry and military alliances are the problem, not the solution. That is why we reject armament and all other forms of strengthening the war apparatus. Our solidarity cannot be with the states, their armies and their flags that are now measuring their weapons of destruction in Ukraine, nor with the war profiteers who are already rubbing their hands over staggering new deals. Our boundless solidarity is with all those who are suffering the consequences on all sides of the front lines. We are in solidarity with all those who raise their voices against the war and with those who do not put their own bodies at the disposal of the war machinery and who are themselves targets of repression precisely because of their resistance. Like us, they did not want war, they did not seek it, but they have become its prisoners and captives. We all feel their pain, which we may soon know ourselves in a very personal way.
The war is being fought not only with bombs and tanks, and not only on Ukrainian territory. A significant part of the war is being fought in societies seemingly safely removed from theaters of war. It takes the form of arms production and trafficking, promotion of nationalism, propaganda, repression, spreading of hatred, racism and selective treatment of the victims of war. To reject war is to reject all the forms in which it takes place.
In a climate of war, it is important to create spaces of anti-authoritarian resistance against everything that enables and drives it. This means, first of all, a self-organized exchange of information, views and organization to offer practical solidarity to all those who need it in this difficult situation.
That is why we are participating in the Rally for Peace in Ljubljana on Tuesday 1 March 2022 at 5pm.
That is why we call for an Open Assembly against the war on Thursday 3 March 2022 at 5pm at the Menzo pri koritu in Metelkova, where we will build together the possibility of solidarity and resistance even in times of war.
Against imperialism and all nationalisms!
Class solidarity with the people of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia!
Let us open our borders for all!
Ljubljana, 1 March 2022
Anarchist Initiative Ljubljana
Črne mačke [Black Cats]
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