Solidarne z bojem na Poljskem z bojem doma
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal Črne Mačke
- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 04 November 2020
Solidarne z bojem na Poljskem z bojem doma
Zadnja dva tedna spremljamo borbo naših Poljskih sester in ostalih tovarišic_ev, ki bijejo krvavo bitko proti patriarhalni kleroofenzivi. Ta, s pomočjo parlamentarne oblasti, ženskam na Poljskem vsiljuje prepoved odločanja o lastnem telesu in krati pravico do splava. Občudujemo upor vseh, ki so se kljub nevarnosti okužbe s korona-virusom podale_i na ulice ter svoja telesa in življenja zastavile_i za svobodo in odpor, da ponovno izbojujejo nazaj tisto, kar je bilo nekoč že izborjeno. Moč in odločnost ljudstva v boju na Poljskem in novica o izborjeni začasni zaustavitvi uveljavitve nove zakonodaje nas navdihujejo ter nam vlivajo zaupanje, da bodo lokalne in mednarodne vstaje antiavtoritarnih gibanj in svobodoželjnega ljudstva nasploh premagale avtoritarno-zatiralske poskuse klero-fašističnega Patriarhata.
Številni aktualni in siloviti upori ljudstva širom sveta kažejo, da je jasno in glasno zoperstavljanje oblastem in kapitalu tudi v času korona virusa ne le možno, ampak celo zelo nujno. Vse od antirasističnih bojev proti policijskim morilcem v ZDA, antikolonialnih vstaj staroselskih ljudstev v Kanadi in Čilu, upora proti neoliberalizmu v Argentini in Mehiki, številnih delavskih rebeljonov v Indoneziji, na Tajskem in drugod, do odporov proti totalitarnim vzgibom oblasti npr. v Italiji in Franciji.
Patriarhalni manevri so namreč le eden izmed mnogih prijemov oblasti, ki poskušajo, s svojo agendo zatiranja, posameznicam_kom deterministično vsiliti družbeno vlogo in smoter življenja, specifično na podlagi imaginarija spola. V tem poskusu si je oblast izbrala že tradicionalnega klero zaveznika – Cerkev. V lokalnem kontekstu smo bili v zadnjem obdobju tako priča mnogim javnim nastopom, ki obelodanjajo tovrstno zavezništvo na najvišjih instancah. Beseda RKC je tako ponovno dobila častno mesto v prime-time-u javne televizije. Cerkev, ki že tradicionalno deluje kot agitprop orodje Patriarhata, je svoj na novo pridobljeni momentum na odru - ob boku vladnih predstavnikov - izkoristila za ponovno oživitev kampanje proti splavu. Nasilje njihove propagande je bilo tako prisotno ne le v javnih občilih, temveč tudi fizično na ulici - s plakati in shodom »Za življenje«, ki se je pred dobrim mesecem zgodil v Ljubljani. Pod pretvezo slavljenja življenja in ljubezni se je zbralo več sto pripadnic_ov patriarhalne verske skupnosti, da bi opremljene_i z baloni, transparenti in vulgarnimi komentarji ter nasilnimi prijemi, usmerjenimi proti tistim, ki so se jim zoperstavili, izrazili_e svojo nenaklonjenost do svobodnega odločanja žensk o rojevanju otrok.
Enako oduren je zapis nekdanjega nadškofa Stresa v izjavi komisije Pravičnost in mir, Življenje ima prednost pred ideologijo in bojem za oblast. Sama izjava je v resnici ravno vzgib po ohranitvi oblasti, saj zastopa linijo predsedujoče vlade in žuga proti vsem, ki se z njo ne strinjajo – napada »neodgovorne državljane«, diskreditira javne medije, straši pred petkovimi protesti in protestniki nasploh ter razpihuje idejo o »kulturi smrti«, ki naj bi ogrožala Slovenijo. Na drugo stran pa, kot zgled, postavlja Shod za življenje in »bojevnike«, ki branijo »človeška življenja od spočetja naprej«. Ob tem namerno ignorira krvavo zgodovino in trenutno realnost Cerkve ter svoj izprijeni diskurz o kulturno specifičnem kolonialnem pogledu na človeška življenja, ki diskriminira in zatira vse, kar ni belo, Zahodno in po možnosti moško. Moralno nesprejemljiv in manipulativen odnos do človeškega življenja, ki ga očita svojim nasprotnikom, ima pravzaprav Cerkev sama. Ko govori o zdravju in življenju žensk, v resnici cilja na pravila, ki bi ženskam odvzela nadzor nad lastnimi telesi in življenji ter ohranila in še dodatno okrepila moško nadvlado. Ko govori o pravici do »življenja od spočetja naprej«, se nanaša na fetus, iz katerega se bo po možnosti v nuklearni družini razvil bel, heteroseksualni, katoliški Evropejec. Ko otroke, skozi govore o njihovih pravicah, izkorišča za lastne politične namene, pozablja na pravice otrok migrantov ter zavestno odvrača pozornost stran od premnogih zgodb otrok - žrtev pedofilije s strani istih rok, ki sicer žugajo z Biblijo in se besno oklepajo rožnega venca.
Jasno je, da ima klero-zavezništvo države, Cerkve in vseh njenih civilnih podružniških institucij praktično neomejene zaloge denarja, ki ga lahko poljubno investira v propagandne materiale in kampanje. Zato se je nujno zavedati, da se jim lahko upremo le tako, da zastavimo točno to, kar napadajo, točno to, kar želijo s ponovnim vzponom duhovniško-patriarhalne struje kontrolirati, to, o čemer želijo ti »od Boga poslani beli moški« odločati – zastaviti moramo svoja telesa. Le tako jih bomo lahko ubranile, le tako bodo lahko ostala svobodna. Da jim z morjem teles, in če bo treba z lastno krvjo, napišemo glasen NE!
Zato stojimo v solidarnosti z upornim ljudstvom na Poljskem in vsemi njihovimi nadaljnjimi boji tako, da sočasno bijemo svoj boj z lokalnimi patriarhi. To je šele začetek!
CERKEV in DRŽAVA ven iz naših maternic!
Črne Mačke
Ljubljana, 4.11.2020
Solidarity with the Struggle in Poland through our Struggle
Throughout the last two weeks, we have been following closely the uprising of our Polish sisters and comrades who are currently engaged in a bloody combat against a renewed patriarchal and clerical offensive empowered by parliamentary authority. These combined forces are acting hand-in-hand in order to impose upon women in Poland a ban on decision-making over their own bodies by further restricting their right to abortion.
We admire all those who, despite the danger of infection with the coronavirus, march into the streets and put their bodies and lives on the line for freedom and resistance in order to reclaim what was once already won. The power and determination of the people revolting in Poland has inspired and filled us with hope that local and international insurrections of anti-authoritarian movements and freedom fighters will overthrow the oppressive attempts of the clerofascist Patriarchy.
Numerous recent and fierce popular uprisings all over the world are proof that a loud and clear resistance against repressive authority and capital in the times of the coronavirus crisis is not only possible but also indispensable. From the anti-racist struggles against killer cops in the USA, anti-colonial uprisings of indigenous peoples in Canada and Chile, resistance against neo-liberalism in Argentina and Mexico, numerous workers' revolts in Indonesia, Thailand and elsewhere, to the revolutionary struggles against totalitarian governmental acts e.g. in Italy and France etc.
Patriarchal manoeuvres are only one amongst many approaches that authorities rely upon in their agenda of oppression, which deterministically tries to impose social roles and the meaning of life on individuals, specifically on the basis of the gender imaginary. In this attempt, the State has chosen a traditional ally – the Church. In our local context, we have recently seen an increase in public appearances that demonstrate this alliance at the highest level. The word of the Roman Catholic Church once again gained the honourable position in the prime-time of public television.
The Church, which has already traditionally served as the agitprop tool of Patriarchy, has used its newfound momentum on stage – alongside government officials – to revive its campaign against abortion. Its violent propaganda was not only present in the public media, but also physically in the streets – in the form of posters and of the "March for Life" that took place in Ljubljana about a month ago. Under the pretext of celebrating life and love, hundreds of members and sympathisers of the patriarchal church community gathered. Armed with balloons, banners, vulgar comments and physical violence against those who resisted, they expressed their aversion towards the right of women to decide freely on the questions of pregnancy and natality.
Equally repulsive is the letter of the former Archbishop Stres in the statement of the Pravičnost in mir (Justice and Peace) Commission entitled Življenje ima prednost pred ideologijo in bojem za oblast (Life Takes Precedence Over Ideology and the Struggle for Power). The statement is precisely an impetus to maintain authority, as it represents and defends the political views of the current government and puts pressure on anyone who disagrees with them - it attacks "irresponsible citizens", discredits the public media, generates fear around the weekly Friday protests and the demonstrators themselves, and generally propagates the idea of a "culture of death," which allegedly threatens Slovenia. On the other hand, the statement cites as a prime example the "March for Life" and the "fighters" who defend "human life since conception". In doing so, the author deliberately ignores the bloody history and the current reality of the Church and bases his perverted discourse on a culturally specific colonial view of human life that discriminates against and oppresses anyone who is not white, Western and male.
The morally unacceptable and manipulative attitude towards human life, something the opposite side is accused of in this statement, is indeed the normality of the Church itself. When the former Archbishop Stres talks about the health and lives of women, he is in fact talking about rules that would take away women's control over their own bodies and lives. If he talks about the right to "life from conception onward", he is referring to the fetus from which a white, heterosexual Catholic European can develop in a nuclear family. When he talks about children's rights, he is not only using these rights for his own political agenda, but at the same time forgetting about the rights of refugee children and also deliberately diverting attention from far too many stories of children, who have been victims of paedophilia, committed by the same hands that usually wave the Bible while aggressively clinging to their rosary.
It is clear that the clerical alliance formed by the State, the Church and all its civil branches has practically unlimited resources that they can arbitrarily invest in propaganda material and campaigns. That is why it is absolutely imperative to be aware that we can only resist if we put on the line precisely that which they are attacking; exactly that which they are trying to control with the resurgence of clerical-patriarchal ideas; exactly that over which these "God-sent white men of strength" are trying to dictate their terms – we must put our bodies on the line.
Only so can we defend them, only in this way can they remain free.
We will spell it out for them – with a sea of bodies and, if necessary, with our own blood – a loud, booming NO!.
This is why we stand in total solidarity with the popular uprising in Poland and simultaneously will continue to lead our own struggle against the local patriarchs.
Črne Mačke
Ljubljana, 4.11.2020