Spremenimo socialno krizo v krizo oblasti!
- Podrobnosti
- Napisal Anarhistična pobuda Ljubljana (APL)
- Kategorija: Teksti
- Objavljeno 08 Maj 2020
(english below)
Pred tednom dni smo po številnih mestih praznik revolucionarnega delavskega boja praznovali pod geslom "1. MAJ BREZ ŽICE, VOJSKE IN OGRAJ". Ta petek se vračamo na ulice. Oblastnikom, ki po svoji običajni neoliberalni maniri pod krinko nove krize že kujejo uničevalne načrte za napad na delavske in socialne pravice ter na pravice do zdravja, znanja, stanovanja in političnega delovanja, odločno sporočamo, da njihovih uničevalnih načrtov ne bomo sprejeli brez boja.
V zadnjih dveh mesecih smo se kot družba tudi pri nas praktično brez opozorila najprej znašli sredi epidemije nevarnega virusa, nato pa še sredi poskusa njene zlorabe za potrebe nadgradnje sistema modernega totalitarizma. Zdravstveno krizo so oblastnikiskušaliizkoristiti za poteze, ki niso imele nobene zveze z bojem proti epidemiji, temveč so bile motivirane z njihovo avtoritarno željo po vladavini enoumja, nadaljevanju militarizacije družbe in utrjevanju privilegijev tiste peščice, ki ima v tej družbi že sedaj v rokah oblast in bogastvo. Prvih nekaj tednov t.i. korona krize so zaznamovali krčeviti poskusi oblasti, da bi epidemijo predstavila kot vojno, saj bi ji to omogočilo, da svoje posle in mahinacije še bolj umakne daleč stran od oči javnosti, v skrivne sobane, kjer se moč kapitala preliva v politično moč. Ravno simbolna vzpostavitev vojnega stanja je bila tisto, zaradi česar so si oblastnikiobeh vladnih garniturtako zelo prizadevali za prisotnost vojskena meji in prekomerno omejili gibanje ljudem, ne glede na to, da smo slednji smernice zdravstvenih strokovnjakov za ravnanje v kriznih razmerah že brez represivnih odlokov sprejeli za razumne. Krčevite napore za legitimizacijo vojnega upravljanja je logično dopolnjevalo vojno dobičkarstvo, saj so se za politično dobro povezane nenadoma odprle priložnosti za nove in donosne posle.
Sredi ozračja tesnobe, ki je v drugi polovici marca postajalo vse manj povezano s sicer realno zdravstveno nevarnostjo, vse bolj pa z otipljivo grožnjo avtoritarnega obrata, ki ga je oblast tudi sama relativno odkrito razglašala, smo v Anarhistični pobudi Ljubljana zapisali naslednje: "Čeprav na prvi pogled izredne razmere dajejo občutek, da je nasprotovanje zloglasnim novimukrepom nemogoče, se ne smemo predati temu občutku nemoči. Postavljeni smo pred nujen izziv novega premišljanja načinov, kako skupaj na varen način po eni strani ne damo dihati virusu, po drugi pa niti ne enoumju ohole države."Danes, v tednu po praznovanju 1. maja, praznika revolucionarnega delavskega boja, pod geslom "1. MAJ BREZ ŽICE, VOJSKE IN OGRAJ" ocenjujemo, da smo kot družba na ta prvi izziv korona-krize uspeli najti primeren in učinkovit odgovor.
Kot posamezniki, družine, prijatelji, sodelavke, skupnosti in družba smo sprejeli naše različne odgovornosti za potek in posledice epidemije. Uspeli pa smo tudi zgraditi dovoljšen javni pritisk, da državni aparat navkljub vsem poskusom vojske ni uspel poslati vojske na mejo, vsaj delno smo zaustavili tudi totalitarno krepitev policijskih pooblastil. Ker na epidemijo nismo reagirali s strahom, smo lahko kljubovali tudi tistim nevarnim ukrepom, ki z bojem proti njej niso bili povezani. Ko je to postalo možno, pa smo ne glede na represivne vladne odloke ponovno odprli družbo s tako silo, da oblasti ni ostalo drugega kot da to odprtje še sama formalizira. Žal nič od tega ne spremeni tragičnega dejstva, da so številni med nami v boju z boleznijo izgubili svoja življenja. Do danes je umrlo skoraj 100 ljudi, večinoma naših starejših, ki jih v družbi, ki jo vse bolj poganja pohlep vse prevečkrat zapostavljane odrivamo na obrobje, v specializirane inštitucije domov za starejše.
Prvotni krizni represivni primež oblasti je zlomljen. Na njegovo mesto pa bo oblast sedaj postavila primež neoliberalne logike, ki jo bo v prihodnjih mesecih vlado usmerjala k skrajnim ukrepom. Kot vemo - nenazadnje iz izkušnje izpred 10 let - kriza ni nek naravenpojav, temveč je eden od mehanizmov močnih kapitalskih centrov za prilaščanje skupnega bogastva. Četudi je vlada soočena z grožnjo ustavitve produkcije namenila denar za različne skupine prebivalstva, predvsem pa za podjetja, je iluzorno pričakovati, da bo to njena politika tudi v nadaljevanju krize. Že v naslednjem koraku gre pričakovati darila kapitalskim jastrebom, ki si od krize obetajo nove kose profitne pogače – pogače, ki jo še vedno s svojim delom ustvarjamo izključno delavci in delavke.
V prihodnjih mesecih nas bodo oblasti na vse možne načine, tako s korenčkom kot s palico, skušale prepričati, da edini možen recept za izhod iz socialne in ekonomske krize tiči v koktejlu proračunskih rezov, zategovanja pasa, krčenja dostopa do zdravstva, krčenja dostopa do vrtcev in šolstva, ropanja ljudi na račun preživetja bank, represije, nacionalizma, utrjevanja meja in gradnje ograj, zatiranja vseh drugače mislečih in kratenje svobode. V teh napornih mesecih, ki so pred nami zato ne smemo pozabiti, da obstaja tudi možnost drugačnega sveta. Na nas je, da ohranjamo temeljni razmislek o tem, v kakšni družbi želimo zares živeti, da ohranjamo zavest o naši lastni moči in preko obojega zmožnost, da družbo v skladu z našimi idejami tudi spremenimo. Od nas je odvisno ali bomo obdobje po epidemiji preživeli po scenariju, ki nam ga piše oblast, ali pa bomo ta scenarij samoorganizirano napisali od spodaj kot svobodni ljudje s strastno željo po dobrem in dostojanstvenem življenju.
S tem, ko smo se našli na kolesih na naših ulicah in mestih smo se vsaj delno osvobodili spon strahu in tesnobe, hkrati pa razveljavili represivne ukrepe oblasti. Na en izziv smo tako že odgovorili, čakajo pa nas številni novi. Sedaj gre za to, da krizo, v katero so nas pahnile oblasti zaradi kombinacije panike in avtoritarnih agend, spremenimo v kost, ki se bo oblasti zataknila v figurativnem grlu. Spremenimo socialno krizo v krizo vladanja! Na ta izziv pa je možno najti učinkovit odgovor zgolj tako, da se na različnih področjih družbenega življenja neposredno soočimos tistimi silami, ki želijo krizo ponovno vnovčiti za interese kapitala in elit ter ponovno afirmirati naša najbolj osnovna stališča.
Kriza v katero so nas pahnili je večplastna, zato so tudi tereni boja, ki v njej vznikajo, številni:
- Uničenje narave v imenu kapitala:
V pogojih vse bolj otipljive podnebne krize je kapitalskim lobijem uspelo v proti-korona-krizno zakonodajo vtihotapiti tisto, kar so si že dolgo želeli in sicer praktično neomejeno pravico, da samovoljno izkoriščajo naravo za svoje profitne interese, ne da bi pri tem ljudje imeli možnost, da bi uporabili že tako skromne institucionalne možnosti, da bi zastopali interese narave in ljudi. S tem, ko je država potrdila, da dela v službi kapitala, je hkrati dala jasno vedeti, da od sedaj naprej velikim infrastukturnim projektom lahko prekriža načrte samo množična samoorganizirana direktna akcija. Med njimi so projekti novih hidroelektrarn na Muri in Savi, ki se že dolgo valjajo po predalih lokalnih energetskih gigantov. Pozivamo vse, da se na vse možne načine organizirajo in zaustavijo uničevanje narave in skupnosti!
- Krčenje dostopa do zdravstva:
Epidemija koronavirusa je pokazala na absolutno nujnost enakega dostopa do zdravstvene oskrbe za vse, ne glede na dokumente, premoženje, zaposlenost itn. Toda namesto, da bi iz epidemije kot družba izšli z univerzalnim dostopom do zdravstva, nad slednjim že krožijo krizni mrhovinarji, ki želijo epidemijo uporabiti za nadaljevanje svojega ravno obratnega projekta in dostop do zdravstva skrčiti. V obliki obrobnih novic in natančno plasiranih zdravorazumskih komentarjev v javnosti že kroži samoumevnost prihodnjega 'krčenja košarice pravic' in torej drastičnega omejevanja dostopa do zdravstva za velik del prebivalcev in prebivalk. Korona-krizaje nazorno pokazala, kako uničujoče zdravstvene in družbene posledice imajo modeli, ki jih zagovarjajo neoliberalni ekonomisti, saj so družbe, ki so v zadnjih desetletjih najbolj sledile njihovim agendam, tudi največ ljudi pustile, da umrejo. Neoliberalnim ekonomistom in zdravstvenim zavarovalnicam ter njihovim zastopnikomv politiki je zdravje ljudi zadnja skrb. Ključ do zaustavitve za zdravje ljudi uničujočihpostopkov doktrine šoka imajo zdravstveni delavci in delavke sami, zato pozivamo vse med njimi, da se organizirajo zato, da zavrnejo diktat zdravstvenih zavarovalnic in investitorjev ter odprejo zdravstvo za vse!
- Razmejevanje, rasizem in sovraštvo:
Z umirjanjem zdravstvene krize oziroma s ponovno pridobljeno zmožnostjo razumnega pogleda nanjo se na oblastni politični oder v podobi t.i. migrantske krize vrača že preverjen recept za gradnjo lastne legitimnosti. Toda tisto, kar bivši in sedanji oblastniki skupaj s skrajneži tako na t.i. centru kot na t.i. desnici imenujejo migrantska kriza, je v resnici agresivna propaganda sovraštva in rasizma do tistih med nami, ki so zaradi takšnih ali drugačnih osebnih in zgodovinskih razlogov prisiljeni iskati svojo prihodnost daleč stran od svojih nekdanjih domov. To najbolj osnovno človeško stremljenje mnoge pripelje v morilskokolesjerežima Trdnjave Evropa, katere politični boter je tako slavljena Evropska unija. Slednja se šopiri z domnevno humanostjo, spoštovanjem človekovih pravic in blaginjo, toda na svojih mejah – kopenskih in morskih – in onkraj njih vzpostavlja masovna grobišča in moderna koncentracijska taborišča. Režim Trdnjave Evropa namreč temelji na principu selektivnega priseljevanja, pri čemer si centri moči pridružujejo pravico do izbora demografsko ali ekonomsko 'primernih' ljudi, vsem ostalim pa ostane usoda »odvečne populacije«, ki je obsojena na status topovske hrane v neskončnih vojnah, stranske škode okoljskega opustošenja ali cenene delovne sile za bogatenje kapitalističnih metropol. Tudi tistih, ki se vsej policijsko-vojaški brutalnosti navkljub uspejo prebiti skozi obmejne poligone smrti, ne čaka svetla prihodnost, temveč so kot ne-državljani izpostavljeni dolgotrajni, pogosto pa tudi trajni statusni in ekonomski negotovosti, nad katerimi preži nenehna grožnja deportacije.
Meje dvojnega sistema navidezne demokracije za državljane in totalitarnega upravljanja z življenji ne-državljanov se vse bolj krhajo. Ponavljajoče se izredne razmere - zaradi ljudi na poti, nevarnega virusa, vojne ali kmalu klimatske krize - pričajo o tem, da se nahajamo sredi pospešene tranzicije iz t.i. liberalnih demokracij v odkrito nedemokratične in fašistoidne režime. Zato oblast na vsako krizo, ne glede na njeno naravo, ponuja isti odgovor premika k militarizaciji družbe. Prav nič zato ne preseneča dejstvo, da so oblasti na zdravstveno krizo želele odgovoriti z novo zakonsko možnostjo, ki jo je prinesla ena od prejšnjih epizod vsiljevanja krize. Če na eni strani normalizacija fašističnih oz. paravojaških formacij odpira pot za odpravo zadržkov pred uporabo brutalnega in odkritega nasilja nad tistimi, ki so v uradnih evidencah zabeleženi kot 'odvečni', 'ilegalni' ali 'neupravičeni', pa po drugi strani razglas epidemije odpira pot za očem javnosti skrito policijsko rabo medicine. V nobenem od teh dveh primerov ne gre za eksces, temveč za že izdelane poteze režima modernega totalitarizma. Boj migrantk in migrantov, ki je že s svojim golim obstojem in nespoštovanjem meja trdnjave Evrope revolucionaren, je boj za resnično življenje vseh nas. Našo prihodnost moramo povezati s prihodnostjo vseh ljudi, ne glede na to, kje so se rodili ali kje želijo živeti, zato izražamo našo neomajno solidarnost z iskalci svobodeonkraj vseh meja!
- Nacionalizem razdvaja ljudi in krepi oblast
Nacionalizem je orodje elit za razdvajanje ljudi in tudi slovenski ni nobena izjema. Uradna mitologija ga prikazuje kot nedolžnega in dobrohotnega, toda to velja praktično za sleherni nacionalizem. Ali naj res verjamemo, da imamo več skupnega s slovenskimi oblastniki in elito, kot z milijoni ljudmi po svetu, ki tako kot mi, hrepenijo po svobodi, dostojanstvu in enakosti? Slovenska zastava kot simbol ni zgolj izraz ponosa ljudi na svoje športne junake, temveč v prvi meri simbol preštevilnih zločinov, med drugim izbrisa prebivalcev in prebivalk iz registra stalnega prebivanja, množičnih deportacij ljudi čez meje, razprodaje skupnega premoženja, izkoriščanja in pohabljanja ljudi v tovarnahinsistematičnega terorja nad migranti in migrantkamiter številnih smrti, ki jih ta prinaša. Značka, ki jo z arogantnim nasmeškom nosijo na svojih prsih praktično vsi zastopniki politične elite, označuje njihovo lastno voljno sodelovanje pri vojaških invazijah držav NATO pakta in investiranje skupnega bogastva v uničevalne vojne prihodnosti. Pod nacionalno zastavo ne more priti do nobenih sprememb, ki bi bile v interesu ljudi, lahko pride zgolj do tistih, ki so v interesu peščice, ki nam vlada. Tako kot zavračamo sleherni nacionalizem, zavračamo tudi njegove simbole, saj gradimo svet mnogoterih svetov, ki govori mnogo jezikov. Nacionalna zastava je prepoznavni znak družbe, ki si jo je podredila od moči opijanjena in kapitalsko podkrepljena elita, zato zavračamoorganiziranje v njeni senci.
- Stanovanjska kriza:
Temeljna dinamika kapitalizma - neskončna akumulacija bogastva - spreminja vse večji del dobrin in življenjskih potrebščin v blago, čigar vrednost se meri izključno v denarju. Nič drugače ni s stanovanji, ki so sicer osnovni in temeljni pogoj življenja. Dostop do kakovostnega bivališča- stanovanja-doma, tako danes ne pogojujejo temeljne in univerzalne potrebe ljudi, temveč logika trga, ki jo poganjajo dobičkarski interesi malih in velikih kapitalistov. Posledice tega so usodne za milijone ljudi po svetu, ki si stanovanj, kaj šele primernih in kakovostnih,preprosto ne morejo privoščiti. Te razlike poglabljajo procesi gentrifikacije, v času korona-krize pa so njihove posledice postale še bolj vidne, socialna kriza pa bo stanovanjsko še poglobila. Eden od horizontov prihajajočih mobilizacij je zato tudi geslo STANOVANJA ZA VSE!
6. Stranke niso rešitev: Ko družbene napetosti svoj izraz najdejo tudi v novih političnih vrenjih in pobudah, je pomembno, da ohranjajo svojo samoniklost, neformalnost, da najdejo svoj ritem in svoje lastne postopke ter izraze. Pomembno se je povezovati, imeti radovednost drug za drugega in odpirati točke srečevanja in skupnega premišljevanja. Glavni akterji podnebne krize so praktično isti kot pri vojni, prav tako mehanizmi, preko katerih se reproducira njihov globalni politični primat. Rasizem in nacionalizem sta oba hkrati izraz naraščajoče krize in orodje oblasti za upravljanje s to krizo na način, ki ohranja dvojno gospostvo države in kapitala. Slednji vdira v vse pore družbenega življenja: kjer so bile včasih ulice in stanovanja, dela turistične promenade in AirBnB apartmaje; kjer so bile nekoč univerze, pa tovarne ideologije in visokotehnoloških orodij za potrošništvo in odtujenost. Sredi še enega obdobja živahnega političnega delovanja v družbi zato vsem, ki v njem prepoznavajo tudi sebe in svojo prihodnost, v premislek in diskusijo dajemo naslednjo tezo: kar ohranja pogoje samoniklegaantiavtoritarnegagibanja, krepi zmožnost celotne družbe za izgradnjo resnične alternative neoliberalnemu napadu na naša življenja in skupnosti.Tako družba nasploh, kot tudi antiavtoritarna gibanja, morajo ostati prostori, kjer soobstajajo različni pristopi, načini organiziranja in forme delovanja. Kogar druži tovarištvo, vzajemno spoštovanje in necentraliziranost, bo tudi brez težav našel oblike vzajemne pomoči in solidarnosti, ne glede na izbrano obliko organiziranja te ali one iniciative. Pozivamo vse antiavtoritarne sile in družbo nasploh, da zavrnejo cirkus strankarskega vrtiljaka in predstavništva zato, da skupaj stopimo na pot gradnje nove samoorganizirane, politično aktivne in solidarne družbe!
- Digitalizacija odnosov:
Ljudje potrebujemo bližino, tovarištvo in ljubezen, saj je družabnost temeljni pogoj našega obstoja. Če ne prej,smo ravno v času samoizolacije začutili kako zelo smo odvisni od dotikov in topline, ki jo lahko nudi zgolj pristen stik s soljudmi. Vendar tudi to področje ni "sveto" v očeh sodobne ekonomije socialnih omrežij in informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, ki kuje dobičke iz svoje vloge vmesnika oziroma posrednikamedosebnih odnosov. Spletne skupnosti so resda v določenih trenutkih priročna orodja za ohranjanje stikov ali celo politične mobilizacije, ne smemo pa pozabiti na dejstvo, da z njimi upravljajo brezimne multinacionalne korporacije, katerim posredujemo najbolj banalne, pa tudi najbolj intimne osebne podatke. Naše osebnosti, interesi, strasti, želje in nagnjena, ki jih brezbrižno razgaljamo na medmrežju, niso zgolj predmet voajerističnih pogledov, temveč so predvsem dragoceno blago, za katerega se zanimajo vsi, od oglaševalskih podjetij do vlad po celem svetu. Preko njih se po eni strani blagovna forma zažira v vse pore našega družbenega in intimnega življenja, po drugi pa dograjujejo kontrolni mehanizmi, ki že sedaj presegajo najbolj ambiciozne podvige totalitarnih režimov prejšnjega stoletja.
Delo od doma, učenje na daljavo ali družabna srečanja prijateljev preko video-konferenc in drugih spletnih orodij so postala vsiljena normalnost za milijone ljudi po svetu. Ponudniki tovrstnih storitev so seveda "nesebično" priskočili na pomoč in nemudoma izdali celo paleto aplikacij, ki omogočajo digitalno komunikacijo. Distopični scenarij ponavljajočih se epidemij, katastrof in vse pogostejših kriz daje enkratno priložnost za novo fazo individualizacije, ki vse spreminja v jetnike štirih sten, vsaj tiste, ki jih premorejo. V tem oziru predstavlja korona-kriza moment normalizacije ideje o tem, da je možno vse življenjske opravke in potrebe, vključno z izobraževanjem, kulturo in druženjem opravljati preko korporativnih digitalnih posrednikov. Bistvo poziva #ostanidoma je torej staro neoliberalno geslo, da nekaj takšnega kot družba sploh ne obstaja. Pozivamo, da zavrnemo nove tehnologije nadzora in komodifikacije ter ponovno odkrijemo pomen skupnosti in skupnega!
- Delo in delavski boji:
Korona-krize je še dodatno osvetlila zaničljiv odnos političnih oblasti do delavk in delavcev, saj je bilo na tisoče ljudi prisiljenih nadaljevati mizerno plačana dela brez ustreznih zaščitnih ukrepov in opreme, medtem ko so priviligirani sloji sami sebi uprizarjali kampanjo #ostanidoma. Medtem, ko so oblasti razglašale splošnonevarnost okužbe, so morali delavci in delavke še naprej producirati avtomobile, hladilnike in vijake ali pa tvegati, da ostanejo brez zaposlitve in s tem brez pogojev za preživetje. Če že v najbolj negotovem momentu oblastem ni bilo mar za delavce in delavke, od katerih smo vsi odvisni, bi bilo iluzorno pročakovati, da bo ta odnos spremenila v prihodnje. Krepitev sindikalnega gibanja v Lidlu in delavski protestiv Gorenju utegneta biti znanilca novega obdobja tudi delavskih bojev. Če ne prej, je sedaj čas za množično zavrnitev položaja topovske hrane za nenasitne kapitalskeapetite. Delavkeindelavci ustvarjamo vso vrednost, mi žrtvujemo svojo življenjsko energijo in čas za šefe, direktorje in lastnike, ki so se v času največje nevarnostivarno izolirali v svoje palače. Možnosti in priložnosti za to, da zavrnemo odpuščanja, mizerne plače in nečloveške delovne pogoje je veliko: spontanih protesti na tovarniških dvoriščih, sabotaže produkcije in distribucije, divje stavke. Organizirajmo se sami in izborimo svoje pravice zase in za svoje tam, kjer delamo in tam kjer živimo!
Oblastniki vseh strankarskih barv, ki do vratu bredejo po svojih koruptivnih mahinacijah, bodo krizo lastne legitimnosti nedvomno skušali ponovno usmeriti v staro igro iskanja novih obrazov in novih strank. Za številne med nami ta igra ne ponuja ničesar. Resnična alternativa kapitalističnemu režimu namreč raste iz samoorganiziranega boja ljudi in skupnosti zoper svet držav, kapitala, nacionalizma in vojne, v njem pa je ključnega pomena neomajna transnacionalna solidarnost. Lokalke in migranti, zdrave in manj zdravi, mlajši in starejši, brezdomne in tisti, ki lahko 'ostajamo doma' se moramo organizirati in boriti zoper represijo, obubožanje in izkoriščanje. Le tako odpiramo možnost za to, da bi kriza, v katero nas potiskajo elite, enkrat za spremembo postala kriza njihove oblasti. Mi se ne moremo se vrniti nazaj v kapitalistično normalnost, saj ta za nas nikoli ni delovala.
V naslednjih tednih in mesecih moramo upor zoper krčenje dostopa do zdravstva, zoper napade na medijsko delo, svobodo političnega delovanja in vse ostale avtoritarne ukrepe aktualne oblasti graditi povsod tam, kjer delamo, se zdravimo in izobražujemo ter tam, kjer živimo. Enako se moramo v imenu solidarnosti skupaj boriti zoper uničevanje narave v imenu profita, zatiranje sindikalnega organiziranja, morilske mejne režime, militarizacijo in vojne. Nočemo družbe, kjer bari, zapori, meje, tovarne in cerkve nemoteno delajo, šole ostajajo zaprte, zdravstveni domovi pa praktično nedostopni. Prekinimo s sistemom, ki temelji tem, da ljudem stalno jemlje njihov pogum, ljubezen, radovednost, čas in svobodo.
Anarhistična pobuda Ljubljana, 8. maj 2020
Turning the social crisis into a crisis of authority!
A week ago we commemorated the revolutionary worker’s day of struggle in many cities under the slogan »1st of May without razor wire, without army and fences«. This friday we are returning to the streets. We say firmly to the authorities, which in their usual neoliberal way already aim to use the cover of a new crisis to hatch up new destructive plans for attacks on workers’ and social rights as well as rights to healthcare, knowledge, housing and political actions, that we won’t accept them without a fight.
In last two months we as a society found ourselves, practically without a warning, first in the middle of an epidemic of a dangerous virus and then also in the middle of an experiment of abusing it for upgrading the system of modern totalitarianism. The authorities tried to use the health crisis to introduce measures that had no connection to the fight against the epidemic but were instead motivated with their authoritarian desire for governance of single-mindedness, continuing the militarization of society and strengthening the priviliges of that handful which already has the power and riches in this society. The first few weeks of so-called corona-crisis were marked by attempts of the authorities to present the epidemic as a war as this would enable them to withdraw their businesses and machinations even further away from the eyes of the public, into secret halls where the power of capital is forged into policital power. Precisely this symbolic establishment of a state of war drove the intense efforts of the authorities - in both configurations - to establish the military on the border and to introduce excessive restrictions of movement for people. Both despite the fact that as a society we have accepted the guidelines that were proposed by health experts as reasonable even without any of the repressive decrees. The efforts to legitimize the war management approach were logically supplemented by war profiteering as chances for new and profitable business deals suddenly opened for politically well connected individuals and companies.
In the middle of this cloud of anxiety, which in the second half of March became less and less connected with the real health danger and more and more with a more solid threat of an authoritarian spin, wich the authorities themselves were relatively openly declaring, we in the Anarchist initiative of Ljubljana wrote in our statement: »Despite the fact that at first glance the state of emergency gives a feeling that the resistance to infamous new measures is impossible, we should not give in to this sense of powerlessnes. We are put in front of an urgent challenge of new considerations of ways on which we can together and in a safe way refuse to give any breathing space to the virus on the one hand and the single-mindedness of the arrogant state on the other«. Today, a week after the celebrations of 1st of May, the celebrations of revolutionary workers’ struggle, under the slogan »1ST OF MAY, WITHOUT RAZOR WIRE, ARMY AND FENCES«, we conclude that we as a society managed to find a fitting and effective answer to that first challenge of corona-crisis.
As individuals, families, friends, co-workers, communities and society we accepted our different responsibilities for the course and consequences of the epidemic. But we also managed to build a strong enough public pressure so that the state apparatus, despite its numerous attempts, didn’t manage to send the army to the border, we also to a degree blocked the totalitarian strengthening of police powers. Because we didn’t react to the epidemic with fear, we were also able to resist those dangerous measures that were not connected with the fight against it. When it became possible we opened up the society despite the repressive governmental decrees and we did that with such a force that the authorities could only follow and make this opening formal. Sadly none of that changes the tragic fact that many among us have lost their lives in the fight with the disease. Until now almost 100 people have died, mostly our elderly that in this society driven by greed are all too many times neglected and pushed to the margins into specialized institutions of elderly homes.
The initial repressive crisis grip of the authorities is broken. On its place they will put the vice of neoliberal logic that will lead the government to extreme measures in the next few months. As we know – if not otherwise, from the experience from 10 years ago – the crisis is not a natural phenomenon but is one of the mechanisms of strong capitalist centers for seizing the common wealth. Despite the fact that the government, being confronted with the threat of bringing production to a halt, gave some money to different groups in the population but mostly to companies it is naïve to expect that this remain its policy as the crisis develops further. Already we can expect that next step will be to arrange gifts for the capitalist vultures that already anticipate that new pieces from the profit cake will fall on their plates because of the crisis – the cake which is still produced exclusively through the labour of workers.
In the following months the authorities will try to persuade us by all possible means, with carrots as well as sticks, that the only viable recipe to exit the social and economic crisis is offered by a cocktail of budget cuts, austerity measures, cutting the access to healthcare, childcare and education, robbing people so that the banks can survive, repression, nationalism, enforcement of borders and building of fences, oppressing all who think differently and in limiting of our freedom. In these tough months ahead we must not forget that the possibility of a different world exists. It’s up to us to preserve the basic reflection on what kind of society we really want to live in and to preserve the awareness of our own power. Out of the combination of both emerges the possibility to change the society according to our ideas. It will depend on us whether we survive the period after the epidemic based on the scenario written by the authorities or we write this scenario in a self-organized way from below as a free people with a desire for a good and dignified life.
Through finding each other on bicycles on our streets and in different cities we have at least partially freed ourselves from the grip of fear and anxiety and at the same time contained the repressive measures of the authorities. We have responded to one challenge but many more are waiting for us. Now it’s important that we change the crisis, into which we were pushed by the authorities based on the combination of panic and authoritarian agendas, into a bone that will get stuck in the figurative throat of these same authorities. Let’s turn the social crisis into a crisis of governance! It’s possible to find an effective answer to this challenge only in a way that we directly confront, on different areas of social life, those forces that want to capitalise the crisis in the interests of the capital and elites and again affirm our most basic standpoints.
The crisis into which we were pushed has many layers as are many also the terrains of struggle that grow from it:
- Destruction of nature in the name of capital:
As the consequences of climate change become more and more tangible the capital lobbies have managed to use the emergency anti-corona-crisis legislation in order to pursue their long time interest: to legally allow a practically unlimited right to arbitrarily exploit the nature for their own profit interests without people having any legal way to use even the modest institutional possibilites that currently exist to stand for interests of nature and the people. With the state confirming that it works for the capital it also gave out quite clearly that from now on the big infrastructure projects’ plans can be stopped only through a massive self-organized direct action. Among those projects are new hydro power plants on Mura and Sava river that are rolling around in drawers of local energetic giants for a long time. We call out to everyone to organize in every possible way to stop the destruction of nature and the communities!
- Cutting the access to healthcare:
The epidemic of coronavirus has pointed out the absolute neccessity for equal access to healthcare for all, without any regard for the differences in therir documents, property, employement etc. But instead of getting out of the epidemic with universal access to healthcare, the crisis scavengers are already circling above the latter and want to use the epidemic to keep the pursuit of their exactly opposite project of limiting the access to healthcare. In the format of small news and precisely placed commonsense columns the self-evidence of future ’cutting the basket of rights’ and therefore drastic limiting of access to healthcare for a big part of residents is already being fed to the public. The corona crisis has thoroughly showed what kind of destructive health and social consequences the models that the neoliberal economists support can have as the societies that have followed their agendas the most in the past decades also let the biggest number of people to die. The neoliberal economists and health insurance companies as well as their representatives in the politics couldn’t care less about the health of the people. The key to stopping the health-destructive processes of the shock doctrine is in the hands of healthcare workers themselves and this is why we call out to all of them to organize in order to reject the dictate of health insurance companies and investors and open the access to healthcare for all!
- Borders, racism and hatred:
With the health crisis calming down or with the ability of a common sense perspective towards it achieved again the authorities’ political stage is bringing back the already tested recipe for building its own legitimacy in the form of so-called migrant crisis. But what the former or current rulers together with extremists, both in the so-called center and so-called right, today call the migrant crisis is actually an agressive propaganda of hatred and racism towards those of us who are for different personal or historical reasons forced to search for our future far away from our former homes. This basic human striving brings many into the murderous wheels of the regime of Fortress Europe whose political godfather is the much praised European Union. The latter is strutting with its supposed humanity, respecting of human rights and welfare but is at the same time constructing mass graves and modern concentration camps on its borders – both on land and sea – and beyond them. The regime of Fortress Europe is based on the principle of selective emigration through which the centers of power hold the right of choosing demographicaly or economicaly »suitable« people while all the others face the destiny of »excessive population«, sentenced to a status of cannon fodder in infinite wars, collateral damage of environment destruction or cheap labour force for enriching the capitalist metropolises. Also the ones who manage to get through border poligones of death despite all police-army brutality have no bright future ahead but are, as non-citizens, exposed to longterm and sometimes permanent status and economic uncertainty and above whom the threat of deportation lies in wait.
The borders of the double system of virtual democracy for citizens on one hand and the totalitarian management of lives of non-citizens on the other are crumbling. The repetition of states of emergency – based on people on the way, dangerous virus, war or soon the climate crisis – is testifying about our position in the middle of transition from so-called liberal democracies towards openly non-democratic and fascistoid regimes. Therefore the authorities offer the same answer of moving towards militarization of society to every crisis, no matter its nature. We are not surprised at all about the fact that the authorities wanted to answer the health crisis with a new legal possibility which was brought by one of the former episodes of forcing the crisis upon us. If on the one hand the normalization of fascist or para-military formations opens up the path for clearing all impediments to use of brutal and open violence towards those deemed as »excessive«, »illegal« or »inexcusable« in official records, on the other the declaration of epidemic opens up the path for police use of medicine, otherwise hidden from the eyes of the public. It's not about excess in neither of these cases but it's about the already built moves of regime of modern totalitarism. The fight of migrants that is revolutionary by its sole existence and disrespect for borders of Fortress Europe is a fight for real life of all of us. We have to connect our future with the future of all people, no matter the place of their birth or the place in which they want to live, therefore we express our steadfast solidarity with pursuers of freedom beyond all borders!
- Nationalism divides people and strengthens the authorities:
Nationalism is a tool of the elites to divide the people, the Slovenian one being no exception. Official mythology presents it as innocent and good-meaning but this is the same for practically any nationalism. Should we really believe that we have more in common with Slovenian authorities and elites than with millions of people across the globe who desire freedom, dignity and equality, just like we do? Slovenian flag as a symbol is not just the expression of pride for people’s sport heroes but firstly a symbol of numerous crimes, among others the erasure of residents from the register of permanent residency, mass deportations across borders, selling out the common property, exploatation and mutilation of people in factories and systemic terror on migrants as well as numerous deaths which it brings with. The badge worn together with an arrogant smile by practically all the representatives of political elite marks their own willing collaboration in war invasions by NATO and investments of common property into destructive war futures. Under the national flag we can’t hope for any changes that would be in the interest of the people, we can only get those that are in the interest of the few who rule us. As we reject any nationalism we also reject its symbols and we build a world of many worlds that speaks many languages. National flag is a recognized symbol of a society that was subordinated by the elites intoxicated by power and strengthened by capital, therefore we reject the organizing in its shadow.
- Housing crisis:
Basic dynamic of capitalism – endless accumulation of wealth – changes bigger and bigger parts of goods and life neccessities into commodities whose value is measured solely in money. It’s no different with housing, otherwise being the basic and fundamental condition for life. Access to quality accomodation-flat-home is today not conditioned by fundamental and universal needs of people but the logic of the market, fueled by profit interests of small and big capitalists. Consequences are fatal for millions of people across the world that simply can’t afford flats, let alone quality and appropriate ones. These differences are deepened by processess of gentrification, its consequences being even more visible in times of corona-crisis, while the coming social crisis is expected to deepen the housing crisis even more. One of the horizons of the coming mobilizations is therefore also the slogan HOUSING FOR ALL!
- Political parties are not the solution:
When social tensions find their expression also in new political boiling and initiatives, it is important that they keep their grass-roots and informal character and that they find their own rhythm, procedures and expressions. It’s important to connect, be curious towards each other and open up points of encounter and common reflection. The main actors in climate crisis are basically the same as the ones in war, so are the mechanisms through which their global political primate is reproduced. Racism and nationalism are both an expression of growing crisis and a tool of authorities to manage the crisis in a way to maintain the double rule of state and capital. The latter is invading all pores of social life: where there used to be streets and flats it makes touristic promenades and AirBnB flats; where used to be universities it makes factories for ideologies and highly technological tools for consumerism and alienation. In the middle of another era of lively political activity we propose the following premise for contemplation and discussion to all who recognize their place in the coming struggles: what preserves the conditions of grass-roots antiauthoritarian movement also strengthens the ability of the whole society to build a true alternative to the neoliberal attack on our lives and communities. As the society in general so should the antiauthoritarian movements remain spaces where different approaches, ways of organizing and forms of acting can coexist. Those who are connected through comradeship, mutual respect and non-centralization will easily find ways of mutual aid and solidarity, no matter the chosen form of organizing of this or that initiative. We call out to all antiauthoritarian forces and the society in general to reject the circus of party carousel and representation so that we can together step on a path of building a new self-organized, politicaly active and solidary society!
- Digitalization of relationships:
People need closeness, comradeship and love as sociability is a fundamental condition of our existence. If not before, we felt during the time of self-isolation how very much we are dependent on the touches and warmth that only an authentic contact with other people can offer. But even this area is not »sacred« for the contemporary economy of social media and information-communication technology that forges profits from their role as an interface and mediator of interpersonal relationships. True, virtual communities have at times proved to be handy tools for maintaining contact or even political mobilization but we should not forget about the fact that the entity handling them are nameless multinational corporations to which we forward the most banal but also the most intimate personal data. Our personalities, interests, desires, wishes and tendencies that we carelessly expose on the web aren’t just a subject of voyeristic looks but are mostly cherished goods in which everyone is interested, from advertisment companies to governments around the world. Through them the commodity form is invading every pore of our social and intimate life on one hand, and on the other expand the control mechanism that already as they are surpass the most ambitious attempts of totalitarian regimes of the last century.
Work from home, education from afar or social meet-ups of friends through video-conferences and other virtual tools have become a forced reality for millions around the world. Providers of such services have of course »selflessly« jumped to help and immediately offered a whole sprectrum of applications that enable digital communication. Dystopic scenario of repeated epidemics, catastrophies and more and more common crises give a unique opportunity for a new phase of individualization that transforms all in prisoners between four walls, at least those who can afford them. In this sense the corona-crisis presents a moment of normalizing the idea that all life errands and needs, including education, culture and gatherings can be conducted through corporate digital interfaces. The essence of a call out #stayathome is therefore the old neoliberal parole that there is no such a thing as society. We call out to reject new technologies of control and commodification and again discover the meaning of community and the commons!
- Work and workers’ struggle:
Corona-crisis has additionaly pointed out the scornful relation of political authorities towards workers as thousands of people were forced to continue their meagre paid work without adequate protective measures and equippment while the privileged performed the campaign #stayathome for themselves. While the authorities were announcing the general threat of infection workers were forced to continue the production of cars, refridgerators and screws or risk getting fired and through that without means of survival. If even in the most uncertain moments the authorities didn’t care about the workers, on whom we all depend, it would be delusional to expect this relation to change in the future. Strengthening of syndicalist movement in Lidl stores and workers’ protest in Gorenje might also be heralds of a new era of workers’ struggle. If it wasn’t before, the time for mass rejection of cannon fodder position for insatiable capital appetites is now. We the workers create all the value, we sacrifice our life energy and time for bosses, directors and owners that have securely isolated in their palace in times of greates danger. Possibilities and chances for rejection of firing, meagre payments and inhuman workplace conditions are numerous: spontaneous protests on factory yards, sabotage of production and distribution, wildcat strikes. Let’s organize by ourselves and win rights for ourselves and ours where we work and where we live!
Representatives of the authorities of all party colour that are wading neck-deep in their corruptive machinations will try to direct the crisis of their own legitimacy into the old game of searching for new faces and new parties. For many of us this game offers nothing. The true alternative to capitalist regime grows from self-organized struggle of people and communities against the world of states, capital, nationalism and war, the steadfast transnational solidarity being of key importance in this struggle. Locals and migrants, healthy and less healthy, youth and elderly, homeless and those who can »stay at home« have to organize and fight against repression, impoverishment and exploatation. Only then we can open the possibility of the crisis, into which we are pushed by the elites, becoming the crisis of their authority. We can not return to a capitalist normality since it has never worked out for us.
In next weeks and month we have to build the resistance to cutting of access to healthcare, to attacks on media work, freedom of political activity and all other authoritarian measures of current authorities everywhere where we work, getting treatment and educate and there where we live. Similarly we have to fight against destruction of nature in the name of profit, oppressing of syndicalist organizing, murderous border regimes, militarization and war in the name of solidarity. We don’t want a society where bars, prisons, borders, factories and churches continue working without disturbance while schools remain closed and clinics practically unreachable. Let’s put an end to the system that is based on permanently robbing people’s courage, love, curiosity, time and freedom.
Anarchist Initiative of Ljubljana, 8th of May 2020